This man is a former Muslim who spent 20 years studying Islam. He has a Bachelors in Religious Studies and is currently obtaining a Masters in Terrorism Studies.
He tells Obama that if you want to “really want to fight terrorism you, then fight it at the root” …and that root is not ISIL…
This is informative, well-reasoned, and definitely worth the time watch…
Brother Rachid, thank you for speaking the truth, but unfortunately Obama is a traitor, a terrorist. He supports the Muslim brotherhood, has aided ISIS and is now about to enrich, empower and truly embed with Islam when he lifts sanctions with Iran. He laughs in the face of democracy and delights in his own arrogance of defilement enslaving the world to Islam.
R u hearing this
Islam is SEDITIOUS (insubordination, insurrection, mutiny, treason, agitation, defiance, disobedience , dissent, insurgence, insurgency, revolt, revolution and uprising) against every nation and government on earth. Islam demands that all muslims work to overthrow all nations, governments and non-sharia laws.
Many of the things you posted were political in nature and had nothing to do with religion. Also, whom ever posted it first does not have a good understanding of the Islam. Maybe blindly posting something isn’t a good idea.
I suppose in your world Iraq had sharia law aswell?
You sound like that idiot at the trump rally
Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck….must be a duck!
This falls on deaf ears in that Obama’s a Muslim jihadest!! He is the terrorist.
Egypt has charged Obama with crimes against humanity for his Muslim brotherhood member terrorism.