This man is a former Muslim who spent 20 years studying Islam. He has a Bachelors in Religious Studies and is currently obtaining a Masters in Terrorism Studies.
He tells Obama that if you want to “really want to fight terrorism you, then fight it at the root” …and that root is not ISIL…
This is informative, well-reasoned, and definitely worth the time watch…
One really brave man!
I believe All religion is about control & Dogma. There is but one way and that is to believe in the Christ and Sacrificing your life to him personally. As he did for us. My heart felt opinion is all I have! Derived from my own life experiences. For me Everything else is a sad mistake.
So thank you for your prayers As long as you pray to our father in Heaven in Jesus’s name.
how can someone be an ex-muslim? the word “muslim” has no meaning in english however in arabic pronounced Mosslem meaning he who submits to the will of the one GOD. further more there is no such thing as radical islam by definition if you submit to the will of the one GOD you can’t be radical or extremist the only option is Criminal because you will be committing a crime if you kill another soul because they hail from a different culture/race/gender there is millions of criminals that kill innocent people everyday far more than radicals Hebrews Christians and Mosslems combined ask yourself why they don’t make the 6pm news?? the war against those who submit to the will of the one GOD (Hebrew, Christians and Mosslems) has been always waged Islam is just the latest victim. please ask yourself a question was moses welcomed by the pharaohs? was Jesus welcomed by the Zionists? was Mohammed welcomed by the Arabs who ruled Mecca (the Quraishis)?? today corporations run the world and its not a secret or a conspiracy its the law of the land do you think they will welcome you or i if we stand for what’s right? or they will use the mechanism that they own called TV PROGRAMMING to reprogram the masses to believe their agenda?? Look up a company called Burson Marsteller and search their products and services and while you’re at it research their industry it’s called perception management and then ask yourself whos perception are they managing and are they a non profit or they are for hire to the highest bidder. Thanks
If ANY of you think O is a true Islamist then you have been fooled once again. !!!! He is a communist not a Muslim.
“Yep. Heard him say to an answer at a press conference “My Muslim Faith won’t allow me to do that.” Now, I heard this more than once, so I believe him. Our President wouldn’t lie, would he!”
“Damn Doris. What does it take to convince you???????”
You trust them but do it in another country not mine. Semper Fi