This man is a former Muslim who spent 20 years studying Islam. He has a Bachelors in Religious Studies and is currently obtaining a Masters in Terrorism Studies.
He tells Obama that if you want to “really want to fight terrorism you, then fight it at the root” …and that root is not ISIL…
This is informative, well-reasoned, and definitely worth the time watch…
obama doesn’t want to fight terrorism, he invites it! 🙁
that proves that obama is muslim, i knew he was hiding something .
FIght America! not physical battle fight on your knees with prayer supplication. pray for America even the leaders as this is a spiritual battle.! that must be won! GOd bless America.
The Insider – CIA created al-Qaeda and gave $3 BILLION to …
CIA created al-Qaeda and gave $3 BILLION to Osama bin … the CIA effectively created and nurtured bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terrorist network using American tax-payers …
AB says:
“there’s such a thing as terroist studies in college. Are ya phukin kiddin me.”
there’s such a thing as terroist studies in college. Are ya phukin kiddin me.
Got to take them out
The problem is Obama is muslim and does NOT want to fight muslim terrorism. Indeed, he supports it!
The truth comes out then you teach this in our schools u pig