This man is a former Muslim who spent 20 years studying Islam. He has a Bachelors in Religious Studies and is currently obtaining a Masters in Terrorism Studies.
He tells Obama that if you want to “really want to fight terrorism you, then fight it at the root” …and that root is not ISIL…
This is informative, well-reasoned, and definitely worth the time watch…
Obama is NOT a Muslim
Dawon, then why does he speak so respectfully and highly of the Koran and bow to Muslim officials, while at the same time putting down Jews and Christians and their religions or Scriptures? Perhaps he’s a New World Order promoter than, since you seem to be a denier of his Muslim reverences!
Then by what this man says our president who was raised a Muslim has the same Hate for Christians and Jews and all who are not Jihadist are infidels and deserve to die . For heaves sake why is he still President?
He’s a Sunni. He won’t fight it right. He’ll talk it up and f**e it.
That’s food for thought.
Very true and simple to understand.
Extreme caution! He was a muslim? He is still alive? If you know anything about Muslims, he should be dead!
Just, caution! Fishy!
There are many true ex-Muslims who have taken refuge here in the states. The problem is, it’s difficult to discern those who are truly ex-Muslims versus those who are only posing as such! This is why it is important to get to know your neighbors, cohorts, and associates personally!
Obama IS a Muslim!! Out of his own mouth!!
Obama said at a 2008 speech in Cairo, “The future MUST not belong to those who would slander the prophet of Islam!” And much, much more. Open your eyes, naysayers!! Sheesh!!
Mike, Rozman, do you have a transcript or video that verifies your statement? I’m curious because while find many instances with Obama that may lend credence to your statement, I have been over the transcript of His Cairo speech and find no such thing. I do find Obama speaking words that try in vain to exhort people to peace between warring nations and nations with histories of wars between them. If he truly desires peace among these irreconcilable nations it is noteworthy; unfortunately, these nations have the history they do for great purposes beyond our complete understanding without first having revisited history with a clear assessment of the conflicts that have transpired among them! To be fair to Obama, who claims he is a Christian we can examine the following:
Samuel Ulsaker do you have a link for the Japan laws you posted?
Ha,ha everyone knows just begin at the top of the white house, there is the root!