This man is a former Muslim who spent 20 years studying Islam. He has a Bachelors in Religious Studies and is currently obtaining a Masters in Terrorism Studies.
He tells Obama that if you want to “really want to fight terrorism you, then fight it at the root” …and that root is not ISIL…
This is informative, well-reasoned, and definitely worth the time watch…
Political Correctness if not KICKED TO THE CURB will BE THE DEATH OF AMERICA! These Progressive ( the new polite term for COMMUNIST) liberals are doing everything to DESTROY America, through Propaganda, disguised as education ( Common Core) , total Moral Decay, bringing down Christian’s & Churches. Anything to tear down America as we knew it!!!! There is a CANCER in the Democratic Party anymore!
Any questions
………my Father’s Democratic party of F,D,R, , Truman and J.F.K . just AIN’T the same today . In my opinion , if any of them were to be running for office now , they’d be running as Republicans !!!
Do you hear him Obama
very informative and enlightenment
dosmo1941 says:
“Blaming an entire religion for the acts of a “few”?
How many are in ISIS and what do they tell the world they want to do to us.? To Israel?
Are there just a “few”?
How many beheadings, in the name of the Muslim God Allah, should we accept before we associate Islam with the violence? Where are the Muslims in our country that raise their voices in protest against Extreme Islamists murdering and torturing Christians and “infidels” (that’s us!)
THEY are the ones who are “few” in number!”
Andy says:
“There are many true ex-Muslims who have taken refuge here in the states. The problem is, it’s difficult to discern those who are truly ex-Muslims versus those who are only posing as such! This is why it is important to get to know your neighbors, cohorts, and associates personally!”
Andy says:
“Check out the following, also:”
Once a rag head always a rag head I would not trust him no matter what he has to say pure garbage
Islam is false from its beginnings. Early early early on in the beginning they used drugs and tricks and false promises to brainwash future leaders and what nots. Islam did not start out as it is today or what it was before. It was corrupted from the beginning but much like anything that goes against Christ, failure will surely follow until all see the light and have a clear understanding and then they can choose to except or not. But what do i know…. im white