This man is a former Muslim who spent 20 years studying Islam. He has a Bachelors in Religious Studies and is currently obtaining a Masters in Terrorism Studies.
He tells Obama that if you want to “really want to fight terrorism you, then fight it at the root” …and that root is not ISIL…
This is informative, well-reasoned, and definitely worth the time watch…
Andy Gallego says:
“Jake, he is no more Christian than Richard Dawkins or Ahmadinejad!”
Hi my name is Maya Hilton 😉 … I’am 17 years old i live in usa <3 I love making new friends please (y) my page 🙁 I will send you a friend request and inbox u I promise tnx much <3 😉
Its root is Mohammad and the Koran.
you blame an entire religion for the actions of a few and would take violent action to “get rid of the problem” then you are just as bad as them
Blaming an entire religion for the acts of a “few”?
How many are in ISIS and what do they tell the world they want to do to us.? To Israel?
Are there just a “few”?
How many beheadings, in the name of the Muslim God Allah, should we accept before we associate Islam with the violence? Where are the Muslims in our country that raise their voices in protest against Extreme Islamists murdering and torturing Christians and “infidels” (that’s us!)
THEY are the ones who are “few” in number!
Obama is Muslim and is lying about it all, which is allowed to lie to non believers!
Andy says:
“Islam is a geo-political ideology and movement against the west and ALL non-Muslims!”
Check out the following, also:
Andy says:
“Phil, take your Saudi oil-loving head out of the proverbial sand and open your eyes!”
Andy says:
“Samuel, thank you for such an insightful post to give others an awareness of the importance of saying, “To hell with political correctness that comes from the likes of heads-in-the-sand liberals!””
Andy says:
“Dawon, then why does he speak so respectfully and highly of the Koran and bow to Muslim officials, while at the same time putting down Jews and Christians and their religions or Scriptures? Perhaps he’s a New World Order promoter than, since you seem to be a denier of his Muslim reverences!”