The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, which is housed right here in the United States, has announced that the UN’s Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) “will enter into force on 24 December 2014.”
Merry Christmas everyone…the UN decided that Christmas Eve of this year was the beginning of the end of civilian gun ownership worldwide.
Secretary of State John Kerry already signed the ATT on behalf of the Obama administration on Sept. 25th 2013.
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THIS will be a NEW way to celebrate Christmas Eve……WHAT EVIL BASTARD picked a christian holiday to start it….OUR politicians (American) better get their rears in gear….back up our constitutional laws and freedom….U.N. was set up as a peace force originally not to start civil wars or interject rules on supportive members that have nothing to do with international business….Go take the guns from ISIS or stop accepting the funding of the United States….they are not defending us in any way
Christmas isn’t a christian holiday.
Boy–o-boy-o-boy! Do we ever have a reception for the UN!
Is this the return of HITLER
I am not going to give up my guns for nobody
The un can kiss my behind!
Do any of you actually believe this nonsense? if so, I have a lovely bridge in San Francisco Bay that I’m currently accepting offers on. Any takers? Anyone? Bueller?
They are asking for a head shot or a gut shot and are they going to take away the bows and arrows also?
bring it on
They can and will pass this into law, and the Constitution will not protect us from it. Ratification of an international treaty can occur —and can be made binding to U.S. citizens— without any Senate action at all. Please research “Customary Law” and prepare accordingly. I’ve also read the Operational Guide, detailing how and why they will do this. It’s a real nightmare, folks. Do some homework on this, please. Here’s a start: