The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, which is housed right here in the United States, has announced that the UN’s Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) “will enter into force on 24 December 2014.”
Merry Christmas everyone…the UN decided that Christmas Eve of this year was the beginning of the end of civilian gun ownership worldwide.
Secretary of State John Kerry already signed the ATT on behalf of the Obama administration on Sept. 25th 2013.
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Paying attention or not, I think this is one muslim who is in for a rude awakening. Obama has done what no one has done since WW11, AWAkEN A SLEEPING GIANT and FILLED HIM WITH GREAT RESOLVE.
bob says:
“Obama and hillary clinton”
That is bs.
bob says:
“there are 305 million people in the united states, there are over 300 millions guns in the us, they wouldn’t have the balls to try it, what they don’t understand is we have no country left if we have to give up guns, making us defenseless, with maniacs like obama running the country, i don’t think so. So we have nothing to lose, give it your best shot.”
there are 305 million people in the united states, there are over 300 millions guns in the us, they wouldn’t have the balls to try it, what they don’t understand is we have no country left if we have to give up guns, making us defenseless, with maniacs like obama running the country, i don’t think so. So we have nothing to lose, give it your best shot.
WELL, C’mon and git ’em!!!!
Let’s give ourselves an early Christmas present and defund all UN groups. The UN is where corrupt law makers go to get laws passed that the American people do not want and science does not support.
Molon Labe (and I don’t even own a gun)
Giving up guns is no more an option that giving up your Constitutional Rights. I’m an American, proud, true and tested so, bring it on.
And which one would you like for me to give to you first