The promoter of Germany’s wide open door to migrants, Angela Merkel, has been has been the Chancellor of Germany since 2005 , she has been considered the de facto head of the European Union and is the current Senior G7 leader, and she makes statements like this, “We have to accept that the number of crimes committed by young migrants is especially high”, that should make all under her leadership shudder.
Thus Europe falls….
Accepting crime is never a sign of great leadership. Allowing one’s own countrymen to be targets of crime committed by young migrants as acceptable, should be a glaring red signal that all is not well.
Read more on page 2.
At one time I admired this woman but no more
I think she has lost all touch with reality
She now is a disgrace to herself into her people internation why would she want to put the citizens of Germany through this ??!!
No we should not
She is nuts Gemans need to over through this nut job and kick out the refugees that are attacking their country! Where is that German pride it must be in the toilet to put up with this globalization c**p!
Well, when those creepy Sharia gang bangers come for you, just remember, accept the crime.
When you guys stand up and stop the military backed pipeline politics of the Middle East that creates all these refugees, then you can fucking talk about this. Until then, this is just garbage. This is the price European nations are willing to pay to get their gas and oil
1939 is repeating in Germany all over again,they will never learn.its a mess over there with all those Muslims.
It’s true This Woman’s both an idiot and has no spine and no moral compass. She knows nothing of Honor or serving her people. Can somebody please pack your in a cannon in touch off the fuse.
Fricking bulldog.