Backside of the Donkey German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted that refusing to take in Muslim migrants is a “danger for Europe.”
Now that she has been shown to be the donkey backside, Merkel still has not admitted she had it backward. It’s her program of taking in Islamists represents the gravest threat to the freedom and future of Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union. More impending doom on the next page:
if it’s only 1/3 the people, she safe. that’s not enough to force a recall or am impeachment. IF there is such a thing in germany any more.
Why only 1/3? Why not 100%?
Our future is going to follow Germany’s, Spain’s, Brussels, and other European Countries unless we stop these animals from coming to the USA.
Should take her head.
Maybe we can trade them Obama for her.She would be an improvement.
Some Muslims had been murdered because of a government entity whom sprayed sea snake venom into some ethnic dwellings. A toxin called neonephrodexylodine was extracted from the sea snake venom and sprayed into forest to increase chlorophyll of green leafy vegetations. This toxin also proved to be highly carcinogenic in higer form of primates. The exact chemical composition in carbon formulate reads: C-I-C-G-O-T-C-Y-O-U-C-R-E-A-D-I-N-G-C-T-H-I-S-C-U-N-T-I-L-L-C-N-O-W-C-S-U-C-K-E-R-S-C.
She looks so mad that Obama talked her into this. lol
What would happen if Christians invaded Muslim countries demanding the same treatment ? This is premeditated destruction to further the UN agenda 21 for human depopulation. Killing each other so the elite don’t get dirty hands.
Hmm! I live in CA and would love to learn more….!
I know three traitors who should have to answer for their crimes against humanity- her, Obama, and Cameron. Hey Puttin most of the intelligent Americans are siding with you sir and I thank you for making a stand against the elite cabal of the world just like Edgar Cayce predicted decades ago….