Backside of the Donkey German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted that refusing to take in Muslim migrants is a “danger for Europe.”
Now that she has been shown to be the donkey backside, Merkel still has not admitted she had it backward. It’s her program of taking in Islamists represents the gravest threat to the freedom and future of Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union. More impending doom on the next page:
the whole of Europe should call for her resignation, what she is doing is going to sink the entire continent!
she must leave-,,the political spectrum,,-DIVINITY WANTS HER OUT-she is guilty-guilty-guilty before divinity-SHE HAD SIGN-UP WITH-,,the black horse,,-from-apocalypse-obama-TO IMPLEMENT ISLAM-BECAUSE OF THE GREAT FEAR OF ADONAI-not to let god,s kingdom come-THESE DAYS-her team that is sending coded messages-sent a coded message-to obama-asking him-what to do-THE GRAVITY OF THE SITUATION-the chaos&the bloodshed that they had created-obama did not replied-but-BOTH ARE SO WORRY-the people cannot be manipulated anymore-and-THEIR OWN TEAM-both sides-hate them-and-they have said in private-,,look-what they are talking-and-we respect them-and-they are traitors-but the king of kings will put them in place,,-NOTHING CAN BE HIDED FROM THE EYES OF ADONAI-the robot from-,,the lion,,-is recording everything-is-being called-CENTRAL MEMORY-IS A NEW ERA WITH DIVINITY ON TERRA-new leaders-are needed-
She lost her brain/ these are killers, parasites
Germany look at the UK and France. Stop this Muslim loving pig now!
Sounds like Obama
no. she has a plan. she’s a very good leader.this is a preparation period to set up the country’ the one you all want to be.
1/3…it should be most of Germany….
And OBUMMER is going to do the same dang thing!!!
Thought she was smarter than obama but she’s not.
I wish we could demand Ovomit to resign