After the explosively tragic failure of Angela Merkel’s refugee import machine, one wonders what the face of Europe will look like in short order.
Merkel wastes no time in strategizing her answers now that she knows her operation has become a spectacle of how to destabilize the western world. She said that most of them will return on their own.
To what? There is no hotel waiting for any refugees back in their homelands. There is war, oppression and death, sometimes by their own making.
Will Merkel have police round up migrants who stay too long?
Everyone knows this will not happen. While the Republican candidate, Donald Trump suggested she may get overthrown as Germans riot – see video next page. If that happens, she has earned it.
The story of Cologne’s roving bands of sex fiends haunts the internet concerning all things German these days and Merkel’s cartel of rainbow unicorn jihad denialists continues to laughably scold all who oppose importing a 3rd world theocracy on top of the German people.
They are fiddling while Rome burns.
Please see the next page for more on Merkel’s wishful thinking.
Lady, what are you smoking ?
She’s is way to naive
What an idiot.
Is she suffering from Pelosi-itis
You are a IDIOT !
Germany wake up!! Get rid of this damn leader of yours before she completely destroys your country. Isn’t there someone in Germany that’s smart and brave enough to replace this idiot?
This woman has her head in the sand. These migrants are the first wave of an invasion. This is their plan for taking over the world and converting it to Islam.
Yea, right, Angela!
Not the way we treat them…dingbat!
Stupid is as stupid does. She’s no Margaret Thatcher!