Is Angela Merkel really intent on destroying her own country? It’s clear that acting in the best interest of the German people is not part of her plan. She has now made a final move that is sure to cause more terrorist attacks and, most likely, civil war.
Angela Merkel is undoubtedly a globalist and Marxist. That she is working a plan that is to the detriment of her own German people is clear. She intends to destroy her own country, and replace it with … what?
Merkel has allowed so many Muslim immigrants into her country that the government has lost count.
This means that there are over 500,000 Islamic migrants in Germany who are unaccounted for. And if you think average Germans are okay with this, think again. These people are terrified by what is happening to their country.
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i say let germany be the country that gets sharia law first—it will be quite intweresting to see what the effect will actually be;women may become more like american women once were;staying home–nurturing their families–dressing approiately—instead of like a happy$#%&!@*heading to the office;gay marriage—forget it—lgbt–back into the closet–i mean daRK-DEEP CLOSET–you could get stoned;seriously if we keep going the way we have been—we’re self destructing;drugs–no faith in god–etc corrupt legal-political system;what if sharia law is the answer?what if?god does work in mysterious ways;the pope certainly wants to go there it appears;is it because of what i just mentioned?one wonders;;;
Whar side will all the muslim refugees be on!
If the German people get pissed off enough I’ll bet on them taking their country back
She’s insane.
No, Poland is fighting against Muslims. They don’t want them there at all!
Hillary on roids
What do you expect from a Obama disciple?!!!
Should not have taken a single Muslim in!
Hang her
We are under seige here in Ca. They just declared us a SANCTUARY STATE…. against 76% of the people who were against SANCTUARY CITIES. GOV BROWN, PELOSI, WATERS, FEINSTEIN, DE LEON HAVE TO GO