Is Angela Merkel really intent on destroying her own country? It’s clear that acting in the best interest of the German people is not part of her plan. She has now made a final move that is sure to cause more terrorist attacks and, most likely, civil war.
Angela Merkel is undoubtedly a globalist and Marxist. That she is working a plan that is to the detriment of her own German people is clear. She intends to destroy her own country, and replace it with … what?
Merkel has allowed so many Muslim immigrants into her country that the government has lost count.
This means that there are over 500,000 Islamic migrants in Germany who are unaccounted for. And if you think average Germans are okay with this, think again. These people are terrified by what is happening to their country.
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I hope Germany burns down fast so America can learn from there mistakes.
This is what George Soros, and his “open society and Global elitests want”. They, then come in, pick up the pieces, and reshape the world to their goal of a one world Government…EXCEPT, they forgot to check with God. When all eyes turn to him, HE WINS. God said no man shall have controll, over his Kingdom. (Kingdom, as in those countries that call out his name, and repent, for kicking him out of everthing. Your choice, Germany, and the world, follow the Globalists, or follow God.President Trump, GAVE THANKS TO GOD, NUMEROUS TIMES, AND TOOK HIS OATH OF OFFICE, ON THE BIBLE!!. We still, have full countrol, of OUR NATION, BECAUSE, TO DATE, WE ARE STILL A NATION (FOR THE MOST PART), THAT BELIEVES IN GOD, AND GIVES HIM THANKS.Try, it GERMANY, FRANCE, ENGLAND (LONG LIVE GOD, NOT THE “QUEEN), SWEDEN, and numerous other countries, that have kicked him out.Why not try it. Look at all the c**p, you are dealing with now, WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSE????
God Help Them Get Back On Track….why would a civilized country like Germany want “One World Order” in their country.
I trust the the German voters will vote to take their country back and drive out the hoard of Muslims that have invaded their country. If not then Germany is lost. European leaders have lost their minds for allowing this to happen. They are committing national suicide.
She needs to be defeated, next election.Is someone threatening her family, so she does this. She can’t be that stupid.
Once it starts, it is hard to take back a country, the people were mislead by those they trusted, their elected officials. By the time they woke up their government was so imbedded with the corruption of the deceiver of all humans that it is like removing yourself off of fly paper. Look at the way the democrats are fighting everything President Trump tries to do for America. It’s like they are puppets that can not think for themselves any longer. We need to pray for them and for America that is still fighting the good fight. Only time will tell if we can even save America.
I believe Trump got in just in time….he’s got a strong family & good people & military behind him to keep us safe. Lets keep praying for our country. Amen
RIP Germany I guess I’ll never get to visit where one side of my family originated from. Is Poland just as bad?
Angela and others of her ilk are destroying the west. Hopefully people will wake up soon.
Sad to say, it looks like Germany is in for some really bad times! The new world order is the road to the destruction of civilization as we now know it. Continue to resist the people that are trying to ruin our nation!