Is Angela Merkel really intent on destroying her own country? It’s clear that acting in the best interest of the German people is not part of her plan. She has now made a final move that is sure to cause more terrorist attacks and, most likely, civil war.
Angela Merkel is undoubtedly a globalist and Marxist. That she is working a plan that is to the detriment of her own German people is clear. She intends to destroy her own country, and replace it with … what?
Merkel has allowed so many Muslim immigrants into her country that the government has lost count.
This means that there are over 500,000 Islamic migrants in Germany who are unaccounted for. And if you think average Germans are okay with this, think again. These people are terrified by what is happening to their country.
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She gave German tax money to Hillary’s campaign !
This is disgusting! Germans, stand up against this crime. Start deporting and deport Merkle with them!
How very foolish
Your a fucking bitch
Get rid of this traitor
So it would appear. She is a problem of which Germany should rid themselves before she destroys their country….if it isn’t already too late! Of course, we better reign in the liberal idiots to get our own house in order too!
Complete and utter bollocks again. Pure and absolute fiction if yiu believe this you should taken into a secure hospital for a very long time.
This butch desperately deserves being hanged. Not just a long drop on a short rope no, being slowly pulled up off the ground!
She is killing her own country. Elections are around the corner and Germans have their last chance to save their country from total destruction.
This woman is a fucking Moron