Is Angela Merkel really intent on destroying her own country? It’s clear that acting in the best interest of the German people is not part of her plan. She has now made a final move that is sure to cause more terrorist attacks and, most likely, civil war.
Angela Merkel is undoubtedly a globalist and Marxist. That she is working a plan that is to the detriment of her own German people is clear. She intends to destroy her own country, and replace it with … what?
Merkel has allowed so many Muslim immigrants into her country that the government has lost count.
This means that there are over 500,000 Islamic migrants in Germany who are unaccounted for. And if you think average Germans are okay with this, think again. These people are terrified by what is happening to their country.
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Big changes coming over the next 4 yrs. America in the lead, assimilate or stay home
Kill them all
Yet they continue to elect her…
Sad thing is they want this with United States. Soros. If Clinton would of got president. She was going to bring in the OWG. Why do you think they are fighting Trump at every step.
Sad day for all of Germany.
Mmmmm bye bye!
Germany is doomed. Before long the migrants will take over and outlaw beer. Then Merkel will probably be drawn and quartered as the German people leave for better parts of the world.
I feel for the German people. I hope and pray that they recognize their own right to exist before it’s too late.
Too late. Germany is done. France and the Low Countries are done. Only England hangs on by a thread. Europistan.
Old bag