It’s very easy to propose dangerous or stupid policies when you, yourself, have nothing to lose when things go wrong. With regard to mass immigration policy, perhaps celebrities and politicians such as Madonna and Hillary would change their views if they had live in a normal home in an area filled with illegal immigrants. Instead of doing stupid things like opining that these ISIS folks just need love, they would likely have a different message for ISIS if it were one of their children who became a victim of an attack.
Donald Trump understands the illegal immigration problem, and has solid plans for dealing with the danger the Obama administration has created. He is not working some hidden globalist agenda to destroy national boundaries by mass immigration.
Germany, on the other hand, is not as fortunate. Chancellor Merkel proposes to continue the same deadly policies she has pursued in the past into 2017.
In the federal chancellor’s New Year address to Germany, Merkel asserted that the terror attacks committed by Islamist migrants in Würzburg, Ansbach, and recently at a Christmas market in Berlin were not attacks on Western civilisation but an attack on ‘refugees’ and Germany’s willkommenskultur (‘welcome culture’).
She stated terrorists “mock [the willingness of Germany to help] with their deeds [acts of terrorism], like they mock those who really need and deserve our protection.”
Adding that it is “particularly bitter and repulsive” when terrorist attacks are committed by migrants, Merkel pushed back against criticism of her unwavering commitment to mass migration, saying that Germany will fight the “hatred” of terrorism with “humanity” and “unity.”
“With the images of bombed-out Aleppo in Syria, it is important to remember once again how important and correct it was that our country has helped in the past year those who need our protection,” she said.
Acknowledging that Islamic terrorism is the biggest test for Germany, Merkel hinted at new security measures for the year ahead – but not at changes to her open-door mass migration policies.
Over one million unvetted migrants from the Middle East and Africa entered Germany alone at Merkel’s invitation, including potentially hundreds of Islamic State fighters and bringing with them the risk of the terror organisation weaponising migrants already in the country.
Asserting that “[the] state is doing everything to ensure its citizens’ security in freedom,” the chancellor said that in the midst of mourning for the dead and injured in these “difficult days,” Germans should seek “consolation” in each other.
Merkel closed her speech, which will be broadcast Saturday, by asserting that Germans need “openness” and “an open view of the world.” She stated she had “confidence” for 2017 – this New Year confidence an extension of her “Wir schaffen das” (“we can do this”) mantra.
There is so much wrong with Merkel’s policies and beliefs that one must conclude that she is either abysmally stupid, or is a liar. For example it’s obvious that these attacks by migrants are precisely attacks on Western and German culture.
Since she gives the impression of a bright woman, then the only conclusion one can draw from these remarks is that she is deliberately misconstruing the facts in order to push an agenda she cannot mention out loud. In other words, she is sacrificing German culture and the safety of her people on the altar of globalism.
As a traitor to her own people, she should be removed from office and treated as such. Perhaps there is a “Donald Trump” in Germany who can take over and save the nation from globalist catastrophe.
Source: Breitbart
…..and hugs, don’t forget hugs …….!! SMFH
How did that work for Neville Chamberlain ?
Insane on the membrane
This globalist POS is destroying her country.Wake the hell up people of Germany and get rid of this dirtbag mooslim loving scum.