Merkel Calls Emergency Meeting As Migrants Fracture Germany

Merkel Calls Emergency Meeting As Migrants Fracture Germany

Facing a massive influx of refugees, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called an emergency meeting of government leaders as immigrants, many fleeing instability in the Middle East, flow unimpeded into the country through the Austrian border. The meeting, scheduled after Bavarian Premier and Christian Social Union party head Horst Seehofer threatened to sue federal authorities for their tepid response to the crisis and urged the chancellor to take action, will bring together officials from all parties that comprise the government’s current ruling coalition.

Seehofer is particularly concerned about the amount of immigrants pouring in because his state of Bavaria is the most closely situated to the southern border from which migrants enter the country, with 318,000 arriving since this past August and swamping the authorities as they scurry to settle and situate them.

Turn to the next page to see how Germans are reacting to Merkel’s open door policy:

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  1. Roberto Campos

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