Facing a massive influx of refugees, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called an emergency meeting of government leaders as immigrants, many fleeing instability in the Middle East, flow unimpeded into the country through the Austrian border. The meeting, scheduled after Bavarian Premier and Christian Social Union party head Horst Seehofer threatened to sue federal authorities for their tepid response to the crisis and urged the chancellor to take action, will bring together officials from all parties that comprise the government’s current ruling coalition.
Seehofer is particularly concerned about the amount of immigrants pouring in because his state of Bavaria is the most closely situated to the southern border from which migrants enter the country, with 318,000 arriving since this past August and swamping the authorities as they scurry to settle and situate them.
Turn to the next page to see how Germans are reacting to Merkel’s open door policy:
German people flee while is still time.
No no now close to the time when the NAZIs show up to show these FKN IDIOTS to take care of their problem. So sorryfull.
All these young men as pictured here are not refugees! They are Muslims and ISIS! Why are they not in their homeland fighting???
We all knew it
I really wonder what she thought was going to happen.Is this whole world under the leadership of idiots?
What did she think was going to happen?!
With previous immigration such as the Irish, Germans, Italians Chinese there is a huge difference with the mass immigration of Muslims into America. The other immigrants assimilated. They saw America as their new home. The Muslims that come here do not change, do not assimilate, do not integrate. No they are trying to convert America into their own homeland with all the mosques, and the original population will become guests. Islamic immigration, the hijra, has been do things this way for 1400 years and will not change. Take a look at the situation in what was once Christian North Africa, but take a look Marseilles, at Brussels or at the Islamic rape hotspot, Rotherham in England. We are in alarming phase over the past 40 years no-one has seen. Such a change in demographics in such cities as The Hague, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, more than half of the Dutch population has been replaced by people from other countries, mostly Muslim countries. This is a trend which will happen in America if we don’t take steps to stop it!
5 Phases of A MUSLIM takeover!!! “Phase One: Immigrate. Phase of discreet and secret establishment of leadership.
“Phase Two: INNFILTRATE: Phase of gradual appearance on the public scene and exercising and utilizing various public activities (It greatly succeeded in implementing this stage). It also succeeded in achieving a great deal of its important goals, such as infiltrating various sectors of the Government. Gaining religious institutions and embracing senior scholars. It is the Muslims goal to Gain public support and sympathy. Muslims are establishing a shadow government (secret) within the Government.
“Phase Three: Escalation phase, prior to conflict and confrontation with the rulers, through utilizing mass media.
“Phase Four: Open public confrontation with the Government through exercising the political pressure approach. It is aggressively implementing the above-mentioned approach. Training on the use of weapons domestically and overseas in anticipation of zero-hour. It has noticeable activities in this regard.
“Phase Five: Seizing power to establish their Islamic Nation under which all parties and Islamic groups are united.” Sharia Law will be fully implemented!
Im schiitischen Islam Taqiya (تقیة Taqiyyah/Taqīyah) ist eine Form der religiösen Verstellung, [1] oder eine rechtliche Dispensation, wobei eine den individuellen Glauben seines Glaubens oder Commit sonst illegale oder blasphemischen verweigern kann, Handlungen des Terrorismus oder der muslimischen Übernahme einer Kultur. WENN EIN MUSLIM BESTREITET DER KORAN SIE KIIL ALLE UNGLÄUBIGEN LEITET AUF! GLAUBEN SIE NICHT! WENN THAY SAGEN, DASS SIE FRIEDLICH SIND! TUN NICHT GLAUBEN SIE IHNEN! WENN SIE SAGEN, SIE VERFOLGT IHRERSEITS THIER SIE MITLEID MIT IHNEN FÜHLEN MÖCHTEN! WENN SIE VERSUCHEN, ETWAS ENTFERNT, WEIL ES SIE BELEIDIGT HABEN NICHT MÖGLICH IST! ES WAR HIER VOR IHNEN! ALSO ENTWEDER RESPEKT EIN COUNTRYS KULTUR ODER URLAUB!
5 Phasen einer muslimischen Übernahme!!! “Phase eins: einwandern. Phase der diskreten und geheimen Einrichtung der Führung.
“Phase zwei: INNFILTRATE: Phase der schrittweisen Auftritt auf die öffentlichen Szene und die Ausübung und die Nutzung von verschiedenen öffentlicher Aktivitäten (es folgte erheblich bei der Umsetzung dieser Phase). Es gelang viel der wichtigen Ziele, wie z. B. die Infiltration der verschiedenen Sektoren der Regierung zu erreichen. Religiöse Institutionen zu gewinnen und leitender Wissenschaftler umarmen. Es ist die Muslime-Ziel, Gewinn öffentliche Unterstützung und Sympathie. Muslime sind eine Schattenregierung (geheim) innerhalb der Regierung legen.
“Phase 3: Eskalation Phase vor dem Konflikt und Konfrontation mit den Machthabern, durch Nutzung von Massenmedien.
“Phase vier: öffentliche Konfrontation mit der Regierung durch Ausübung des politischen Druck-Ansatzes zu öffnen. Es ist aggressiv Umsetzung den oben genannten Ansatz. Ausbildung über den Einsatz von Waffen im in- und Ausland in Erwartung der Stunde Null. Es hat in dieser Hinsicht spürbare Aktivitäten.
“Phase fünf: Machtergreifung zu ihrer islamischen Nation zu schaffen, unter denen alle Parteien und islamische Gruppen sind vereint.” Scharia-Recht wird vollständig umgesetzt werden