It’s a hideous set of crimes that should be an outrage to anyone. That those who perpetrated these crimes would scream praises to their deity only makes this even more disgusting. That these six monsters were not given the death penalty for their crimes is an act of incredible leniency.
The crime is the drugging and gang raping of two girls, age 11 and 13, by six men in England. The crimes are horrible enough. What the criminals yelled in court only made matters worse. More on page two.
Let’s make them girls
Give them some of our liberal women while in prison. They want them here they need to get to know them better.
Just hang them.
death to be carried out within 10 days of being found guilty, hung by the neck until dead………………………..
Bullet to their heads is what they deserve don’t waste a bunch of money in jail !!!! And televise it so all these scum will know what’s waiting for them if they do this !!!!
Don’t call them communist ! The communist will not put up with muslims they will kill them first !!!
They be going to jail
Barbarians, they should get automatic death penalty.
Again, that’s strange the judge that stayed Trump’s refugee ban said there were zero arrests of these Muslims since 9/11 and he said he knew more about it than President Trump but that doesn’t change anything he’s still an asshole
Get these animals out of our country for good