It’s a hideous set of crimes that should be an outrage to anyone. That those who perpetrated these crimes would scream praises to their deity only makes this even more disgusting. That these six monsters were not given the death penalty for their crimes is an act of incredible leniency.
The crime is the drugging and gang raping of two girls, age 11 and 13, by six men in England. The crimes are horrible enough. What the criminals yelled in court only made matters worse. More on page two.
Take them out back and shoot their ads then send them back
You fight crazy with crazy
They need to castrat and chop off their you know what with nothing for pain
Things like this make me truly glad I’m an American and we’ve never allow the government to remove our right to bear arms them six men would have never seen the inside of a courthouse if I was those girls Daddy
Islam is pure pagan savagery–uncivilized barbarianism whose atrocities are well documented in history and in our own day and age. Only a fool would deny the evidence, and apparently there are plenty of fools, also known as Democrats.
Shoot them
Perverts !!!@
This is why I voted Trump.
Hang them