Is Hillary really alright? Her health appears to be a very real issue, with brain glitches that result in confused speech and disconnected thoughts, the inability to walk unassisted at times, and her chronic cough.
However, Hillary will become president, even if it kills her, and it appears with her health issues becoming less easy to hide from the public, it will kill her.
Though her doctor, Dr. Bardack, gave her a clean bill of health back on July 28, 2015 in a letter stating she was fit to run for president, her behavior suggests otherwise.
A neurologist, viewing the recent health issues displayed by Hillary, such as her exceptionally long bathroom break during the debate, suggests that Clinton is demonstrating signs of post-concussion syndrome. This disorder can “severely impact her cognitive abilities”
John Cardillo, an NYPD officer who has worked VIP detail, tweeted that he has a “strong source” that shared Hillary’s bathroom break was a flair up from her brain injury.
Read the observations made by the sources on the next page.
Dubie Willard , OH yeah , vote for this !! NOT HARDLY !—————–>Hillary forgot to answer the phone & Obama did too !! Finally they all said ….” NO ” BACK UP !!!———————–>Duties of the Secretary of State
Hillary is guilty by dereliction of NOT saving American citizens & her personnel Ambassador Stevens & Military personnel !! Read LINE #8.!! This is off the Govt Web Page too !!!——–>Duties of the Secretary of State
January 20, 2009
Under the Constitution, the President of the United States determines U.S. foreign policy. The Secretary of State, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser. The Secretary carries out the President’s foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States.
Created in 1789 by the Congress as the successor to the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of State is the senior executive Department of the U.S. Government. The Secretary of State’s duties relating to foreign affairs have not changed significantly since then, but they have become far more complex as international commitments multiplied. These duties — the activities and responsibilities of the State Department — include the following:
Serves as the President’s principal adviser on U.S. foreign policy;
Conducts negotiations relating to U.S. foreign affairs;
Grants and issues passports to American citizens and exequaturs to foreign consuls in the United States;
Advises the President on the appointment of U.S. ambassadors, ministers, consuls, and other diplomatic representatives;
Advises the President regarding the acceptance, recall, and dismissal of the representatives of foreign governments;
Personally participates in or directs U.S. representatives to international conferences, organizations, and agencies;
Negotiates, interprets, and terminates treaties and agreements;
# 8…Ensures the protection of the U.S. Government to American citizens, property, and interests in foreign countries;
Supervises the administration of U.S. immigration laws abroad;
Provides information to American citizens regarding the political, economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian conditions in foreign countries;
Informs the Congress and American citizens on the conduct of U.S. foreign relations;
Promotes beneficial economic$#%&!@*between the United States and other countries;
Administers the Department of State;
Supervises the Foreign Service of the United States.
In addition, the Secretary of State retains domestic responsibilities that Congress entrusted to the State Department in 1789. These include the custody of the Great Seal of the United States, the preparation of certain presidential proclamations, the publication of treaties and international acts as well as the official record of the foreign relations of the United States, and the custody of certain original treaties and international agreements. The Secretary also serves as the channel of communication between the Federal Government and the States on the extradition of fugitives to or from foreign countries.
Dubie Willard , I lived thru every bit of this plus !!!! NO MORE !! ———————————————————————>Clintons done business with the Saudis for 30 Years !! , think about that !, while you read this ! Plenty of blood on their hands !!——-see if you come to that conclusion ! as I did !!——————————————————->Bill’s term in D.C. was a term of ” in-actions/ignoring Military/CIA Intelligence & passing laws on ” guarding military bases /recuritment centers with either no arms or unloaded arms ” which costed lives then & now & ” two ” ” WTC ” 9/11 events !! ————————————————–>>> Think about it after you read it !!———————————->>She/Bill/ Sect of State Madeleine Albright /Al Gore actually have ” WTC ” blood on their hands also. !! Read this & you’ll understand why I say this ..——————>>We Lived thru these actions/laws that affected military personnel then & now & ALL is FACT !!!!!——————–>>>here’s a lil’ condensed history…….43 years of her/his(Hillary/Obama/Bill) unethical & unlawful actions are enough & it seems some are missing one of the worst …….” treason “…… for selling uranium to Russia & then it going to Iran afterwards . This takes two offices to clear it….#1. NRC & #2. Oval Office-Obama -personally only. Treason is not Pardonable . We hung the Rosenbergs for it in 1950 i believe for selling Atomic designs of the atom bomb to Russia. This is in their Foundation & exposed on TV August 2015 by Bret Baier & more now are picking up on this too !!!. Not one tv or DC crowd or Malkin/Coulter/ Fox bunch or candidates is saying boo about it & it is disgusting , she shouldn’t be on the trail for president at all. Benghazi is a blood bath by her hands / Obama , if not fore them the Ambassador & the other 3 would be alive today. …Oh , I saw the movie ” 13 Hours ” what happened in it should happen to her/Obama … just wasn’t the the contractors asking her / Obama for help it was also some of the Ambassador’s staff too & they were turned down too………..Jet fighters were 22 minutes away by air in Sicily .
” All this happened in Benghazi,Libya because Hillary & Obama were running arms from Libya to Syria..& they did not want it known to us & the world..This is the same tactic that happened by Saddam in Iraq during second war Pres. Bush W , cause Saddam sent his ..” WMD’s ” to his buddy Assad in Syria.”
………………….To All that survived that are / were Military , I Thank You for Your Service to Our Country…. Have a safe year & be aware of whats headed our way that Europeans are seeing/feeling & some actions are here already. Gene ……………This woman /Madeleine Albright during her time as Sect.of State in the 1997 to 2001 she had along with Bill Clinton 5 opportunities to kill Osama Bin Ladin . But Bill was busy with Monica/Paula / Jennifer ect at those times & the drone actually was not loaded like our jets were low on ammo/fuel too & our bases guards were not allowed to have loaded guns . Imagine that & this little known ” unloaded guns law ” for military bases is still in effect today. Go ask the survivors of Fort Hood & Naval Yard & Marine recruiter office in Tennessee . All this & plus other unethical actions of Ms. Albright & she has the nerve to tell women they will ” burn in hell ” for not supporting Hillary ” the blood bath Benghazi & uranium traitor ” for president of the U.S. Just one more fact of unknown info…..Osama Bin Ladin could’ve been GONE along time back if certain people & one in particular was paying attention when he was a ” Iran Contra Committee ” was told all about Osama by Col. Oliver North said ……” he is the worst & lead Islamic Terrorist in the Middle East .
The certain person who ignored him was Mr. Al ” global warming/no ozone/acid rain ” Gore……so by ignoring the warning we got 1992 World Trade Center first bombing & then the later Sept. 11 , 2001 The Towers came down.
So because of sex acts /socialist agendas & irresponsibilities & unethical non-patriotic acts we suffer Nation wide . Clueless people want this type of person to govern our great nation ….NOT GOING TO HAPPEN HOPEFULLY.!!!
Dubie Willard , Tried of this too !!!! For 46 years !!————->Since spring 2016 to summer now , there have been 7 new deaths attached to Hillary/Bill !! U.N. Ex- Pres . John Ash / Doctor that did her brain scann (did’t get his name ) , Testifier on the Clinton Foundation (didn’t get his name) Seth Rich , Voter Expansion Director for DNC , Shawn Lucas Staffer for Bernie Sanders , Victor Thorn , Investigating Author of ” Clintons War on Women ” not a suicide either !! So with Benghazi 4 & 47 from her past , it brings it to 57 dead connected to Hillary/Bill !!!——This was on Live TV & I Watched/Heard it happen Nevada Primary !!———->NEWS DNC Election Fraud Whistleblower Found Murdered
A Democratic National Committee (DNC) official who worked on exposing recent election fraud during the Democratic primaries was found murdered this week.
Seth Conrad Rich was the Voter Expansion Data Director at the DNC and had been working on exposing the recent cases of election fraud and voter suppression during the recent primaries around the country.
racially charged comments about Rich’s murder — even though very little is known about his killing and nothing about his killers.
Police have not identified a suspect and say there is absolutely no indication that politics were involved in the killing.
Rich lived in the neighborhood, police told a news conference Monday. He worked as a voter expansion data director for the DNC, whose chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement Monday.
“Our hearts are broken with the loss of one of our DNC family members over the weekend. Seth Rich was a dedicated, selfless public servant who worked tirelessly to protect the most sacred right we share as Americans – the right to vote,” she said of the Omaha native.
“I have an enormous interest in public service and working towards making the world a better place,” Rich wrote on his LinkedIn page.
Shawn Lucas was thrilled about serving the papers to the DNC before Independence Day. Lucas was found dead on his bathroom floor.
We contacted Lucas’ employer on 4 August 2016 to ask whether there was any truth to the rumor. According to an individual with whom we spoke at that company, Shawn Lucas died on 2 August 2016.
Lucas’ death had prompted a number of phone calls and other queries, but the company had not yet ascertained any details about Lucas’ cause of death and were unable to confirm anything more than the fact he had passed away.
An unconfirmed report holds that Lucas was found lying on the bathroom floor by his girlfriend when she returned home on the evening of 2 August 2016. Paramedics responding to her 911 call found no signs of life.
** This was before Wikileaks released documents proving the DNC was working against the Sanders campaign during the 2016 primary.
Shawn Lucas was found dead this week. These two are connected for sure !!! Clinton Nevada voting illegals in Nevada
Clinton Nevada voting illegals
Clinton Nevada voting illegals…——->>>>On Live TV & I watched it happen !!—>>What really bothers me right now , is the fact she got away again with illegals/unregistered Mexicans voting in the Nevada when she debated Bernie Sanders there. The Nevada Pollster was bitching loudly about this fact & she said…” these people are not registered to vote & can not vote “….responce back was by a Clinton Campaign worker …” they have to vote first & then we will register them “……This was on live TV cause I heard every word of it when it happened !!! This reminds me of Nancy Pelosi——” we got to pass the bill before we know whats in the bill “….i.e. OBAMA CARE !!!…………….So what i’m saying is , in Washington state /Oregon / Virginia / California / North East better have some ….” Watch Dogs ” over seeing this vote in Nov 2016…………Oh , no Black Panthers need apply at ALL !!!! And the Founding Fathers are now literally turning over in their graves…
The 14th Amendment:
“when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime.”
Clearly identifies the “right to vote” as being that of a citizen of the US.
Besides the 51 deceased people , this includes Benghazi 4 & now the U.N. President that was so supposed to testify against her too , yesterday their was a Democrat in the party that was going to ” whistle blow ” voting fraud this year & now this young guy is dead mysteriously & it was on FB today . So that is a total of 53 deceased people under the Clinton machine !!! I’m wondering if it is about this that I saw / heard on TV Primary LIVE Nevada against Bernie Sanders !!
With Benghazi it is now 57 dead connected to Hillary/Bill !
she needs the money,plus she feels like she will get voted in because she’s entitled to it,crook and lying$#%&!@*she loves the poor they always vote for Democrats have they not seen what Democrats are doing for them selfs.getting richer,voting Trump!!
She looks pickled. Like she has asides. She must be a drunkard.
She looks like she has Asides.. Bloated…
Looks like what Boris Johnson said about her was correct and he wouldn’t apologise either
Brain injury?? Just don’t fall!!
Trump for president
lock her up she is EVIL!