Is Hillary really alright? Her health appears to be a very real issue, with brain glitches that result in confused speech and disconnected thoughts, the inability to walk unassisted at times, and her chronic cough.
However, Hillary will become president, even if it kills her, and it appears with her health issues becoming less easy to hide from the public, it will kill her.
Though her doctor, Dr. Bardack, gave her a clean bill of health back on July 28, 2015 in a letter stating she was fit to run for president, her behavior suggests otherwise.
A neurologist, viewing the recent health issues displayed by Hillary, such as her exceptionally long bathroom break during the debate, suggests that Clinton is demonstrating signs of post-concussion syndrome. This disorder can “severely impact her cognitive abilities”
John Cardillo, an NYPD officer who has worked VIP detail, tweeted that he has a “strong source” that shared Hillary’s bathroom break was a flair up from her brain injury.
Read the observations made by the sources on the next page.
Ya, mental health issues
Mortality is closin in on this evil fraud..
Don’t we have a right to see or at least know what’s in her medical record? I’ve thought for a long time that she’s not well.
Just wanting a sympathy vote that’s all well it’s not working Trump 2016 !
And still many dull witted people will vote for her.
This goes WAY beyond not believing a single word she speaks……. This is in TRUTH a doctors statement she HAS a DEFINITE serious health problem. This has to do with the brain………for a “decision maker” of an entire NATION……to ME this is something to be looked into and disclosed to her followers. The stress alone is extremely difficult for her to bear up under. That is why you could see her doctor by her side at the ready or inject her the second he sees her start to fade. It IS happening ……Check it out !!!
Time for both candidates to take a physical. Not chosen by them.
Poster woman for condoms
This is not news about this bug eyed babe. She has been in the spotlight so long some people think her irrational behavior is normal, but she has been contradicting her own statements more and more lately. Could it be the onset of dementia?
If they are referring to her “mental health”, her ability to “lie” straight face is simply her nature and not a health problem, Medicos need not worry.