By now every reader is familiar with Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk willing to be jailed rather than violate her Christian faith by issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
However, what happens in similar circumstances when a Muslim woman refuses to do something simple in the name of her religion?
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Quick question for all you Kim Davis supporters: If a Muslim man, who worked at the DMV was refusing to issue drivers licenses to women because it went against his deeply held religious beliefs, you would support him as well, right? If your answer is no, then you need to stop pretending that you support “religious freedom.”
When he drops the false “religion of peace” and joins the winning team, sure.
The world will never be satisfied with any Religion or Beliefs… so let us all go our own ways… and live each other alone …
Your argument makes little sense. DMV employees are not elected!
Yup but one day All knees will bow
This is not a gay rights issue it has always been an anti Christian agenda. The purpose is to erode basic morals of the Christians in this country and to vilify them. The gay people I know don’t even agree with what occurred so who really is pushing this agenda of gate toward Christians
Your an idiot. There’s a difference between following your belief and forcing others to follow your belief. As Christians we are suppose to spread our religion by respecting and accepting everyone and spreading love. Anyone that tries forcing Christianity isn’t a real Christian
Christianity and Islam are different. We don’t condone violence as a means of getting anyone to believe our faith. Islam preaches beheading etc against any other religion that refuses to comply.
Great news today, Ms. Davis released from jail. The Federal Judge has allowed a simple solution for her, to accommodate her, keep her job, and her beliefs, as long as she agrees. However, that being said, she would not be in order, to try to push the same agenda, while in office, after her release. Now, I respect her dedication to Christianity, and feel the same way.. and I agree, Christianity is under attack by the government, Supreme Court, and a large percent of the nation and the World. The Bible says, “Live in the World”, not “of the World”, but, to be an elected official “of the World” one must follow the laws and administer them, exactly, “of the World”. If this is not done this way, we are opening a “huge can of worms” … for all Religions and situations… and enhance the fire “of the World” situations that will use tactics of the same sort, to backfire and destroy Christianity even quicker. We can be devout Christians and live a life to persuade Christianity, but, we can’t force it on anybody. Remember, the Bible says, and un-believer CANNOT even understand the truth. We, and Ms. Davis, and even Governor Huckebee, can do things at home, in public forum, in Church, and on any forum we choose with like believers, and proclaim our Christianity… and we can support leaders who are believers, but as office holders, and duly elected officials, we cannot rebel against the law of the land or other faiths, even cultures, by using our elected status. As President of the United States, Governor Huckebee could not do any differently than George W. Bush did… and that was proclaim, practice and admit his faith in God, as a Christian, and admit praying and living a Christian Life as a believer. Folks like us, Christian Believers can, exercise our rights to congregate, protest, and say what we think, and fight against the “fight” on Christianity. Elected officials can work toward agendas that help us fight, but, in reality, cannot not dictate Christianity to anyone, “Of the World”, and our Nation. I sincerely hope you understand what I’m saying. Thank you, and pray that Satan is not allowed to use any of these “respected” situations that have happened so far, with Ms. Davis, and the court, and the believers and un-believers to further divide and destroy. God Bless all of us who are Christian Believers, and God Bless America, and may God cast Good out of All of this… I believe God the Father … is in control.
I can sleep now. Good Night.
This is America in God we trust n