As is usually the case with all matters pertaining to Hillary Clinton, things are not what they seem in the controversy stemming from one of last week’s DNC speeches.
After bringing out speaker after speaker to trash Donald Trump, the Clinton campaign trotted out Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala, Muslim parents of a veteran who died in Iraq in 2004, to further criticize the GOP candidate. At first glance, the Khans’ selection to speak at the DNC seemed to simply be a ploy to drive a wedge between Trump and veterans by pitting the parents of one against him.
Needless to say, the Democrats’ plan didn’t work, but it certainly generated a media firestorm when Trump responded to the Khans’ comments about him. Falsely portraying Trump’s comments as an unprovoked attack on a Gold Star father, the mainstream media proceeded to pile on Trump. What they didn’t do, however, was look into Khan’s background, a rudimentary Google search of which would reveal that the man, far from being an objective political observer, worked for a firm that was cozy not just with Hillary, but even more unsavory parties.
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I’m sick of the mainstream media and the way the are acting like$#%&!@*cramming things that are f**e down our throats and telling us how to respond. Well I come from a generation that can still think for myself and I sick of the communist news.
The POS Clinton bashing Trump for what she said was a tax break for the rich! Well, maggot, you’re net worth published last week said you are worth over $200,000,000.00! So me let guess, it’s liberal logic, or is it just because you’re lying as usual! Oh, that’s right, the muslim connected to your Foundation is just another stooge you!
The Clinton Foundation would like to sell the world cocaine to snort…
You dont have to be a gardner to know a plant when you see one
Nothing new ?
What did you expect from a biased media
Go trump
Sure…Khan is another of their fellow gang members.
Mr Khan is a paid speaker…paid for by Hillary Clinton ….she can’t find NOTHING NEGATIVE about Trump so she makes up her Bull
Lies… Republicans can see right thru her… But Her sheep don’t believe their Queen Bit@h is Lying…. Word of advice …. “If her lips are moving, she’s lying” that is such a guarantee you can take it to the bank..
BTW Hilda-beast.. You need to keep Slick Willie out of the Helium… He was Higher the a Kite at the Convention …. Once he woke up after you’re boring speech … Its funny how he pretends to act like you two had a Fairytale marriage.. Yet women all over America knew of your Husbands disfunctional kink in his penis but You … Perhaps its because you and him have never been intimate .Khizr M. Khan’s son may have been a hero, but Mr. Khan is dishonoring his son by using his death (that happened 12 years ago) for political and personal gain.
Khizr Khan is with the Muslim Brotherhood and is in favor of bringing Sharia Law to the US. He is also actively trying to bring many immigrants (that cannot be properly screened) to the US. Mr. Khizr worked for Hogan & Hartson and Lovells lawfirm (same lawfirm where Loretta Lynch came from), which has ties to the Clinton Foundation.