As is usually the case with all matters pertaining to Hillary Clinton, things are not what they seem in the controversy stemming from one of last week’s DNC speeches.
After bringing out speaker after speaker to trash Donald Trump, the Clinton campaign trotted out Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala, Muslim parents of a veteran who died in Iraq in 2004, to further criticize the GOP candidate. At first glance, the Khans’ selection to speak at the DNC seemed to simply be a ploy to drive a wedge between Trump and veterans by pitting the parents of one against him.
Needless to say, the Democrats’ plan didn’t work, but it certainly generated a media firestorm when Trump responded to the Khans’ comments about him. Falsely portraying Trump’s comments as an unprovoked attack on a Gold Star father, the mainstream media proceeded to pile on Trump. What they didn’t do, however, was look into Khan’s background, a rudimentary Google search of which would reveal that the man, far from being an objective political observer, worked for a firm that was cozy not just with Hillary, but even more unsavory parties.
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too bad he’s not smart enough to see that Hillary is exploiting him and his dead son to further herself in this election!! he’s just as crooked as she is tho.
So sad that this Muslim is causing so much trouble. It is not about his son, it is about politics.
not anymore
Obama Hillary wa ts America just like Germany and London on steroids. do people voting for her… Everywhere. Islam gos rape .urder and child rape happens. ..keep your head in the sand and dont complain when it dose..were already experiencing some of it ..and its on fast track now wate tell its stept up 550 % by Hillary. ..dont cry when your kids are getting Raped its only because its a Muslim thing to teach women to dress right..think for yourself. Dont be Brainwashed by mainstream so bias e en other countries are no fair election can be had in America. Corruption is so deep. Hillary = civil war. Remember your kids count to in this. I dont like Trump. But his HUGE EGO will keep us safe .98% business success. .this mass immigration is not going good around the rest of the world.
Obama Is Officially The Worst President In American History! Feeling The Burn ~ I will NOT vote for Hillary.~ Trump/Pence For America A Strong Ticket That Will Make America Safe, Sane, Properous And Great Once Again! Thank You For Your Support And Votes! Keep The White House Hillary Free, Even Bill Clinton Said There Has Been Enough Women In The Oval Office!
Must See Movie Out Hillary’s America & Clinton Cash!!!
Sad. I don’t trust the media, the election process, the president, the congress. I’m so sad for our country that used to be so wonderful. Lord Help us
Bunch of hypocritical Libtards. That’s why America is so messed up. Vote Trump !!
this guy sounds like a traitor to america and is in with obama and the clintons on destroying america with these refugees coming here.