As is usually the case with all matters pertaining to Hillary Clinton, things are not what they seem in the controversy stemming from one of last week’s DNC speeches.
After bringing out speaker after speaker to trash Donald Trump, the Clinton campaign trotted out Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala, Muslim parents of a veteran who died in Iraq in 2004, to further criticize the GOP candidate. At first glance, the Khans’ selection to speak at the DNC seemed to simply be a ploy to drive a wedge between Trump and veterans by pitting the parents of one against him.
Needless to say, the Democrats’ plan didn’t work, but it certainly generated a media firestorm when Trump responded to the Khans’ comments about him. Falsely portraying Trump’s comments as an unprovoked attack on a Gold Star father, the mainstream media proceeded to pile on Trump. What they didn’t do, however, was look into Khan’s background, a rudimentary Google search of which would reveal that the man, far from being an objective political observer, worked for a firm that was cozy not just with Hillary, but even more unsavory parties.
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Anything to cover hillarys ass
Thats all the paid off media does with the left and fools like him! They get paid to show and tell nothing except bashing trump because he is the only threat to them because he is not bought out by soros or rothschild or rockefeller!
I really detest the crooked media.
I knew it. This fool is crooked lying murderous isis whore hillary puppet. I knew it. He does not care about his son. He is just milking his 15 minutes. Get off the stage you moron.
Mr. Khan is an immigration lawyer that only handles Muslim clients. If you look into Mr. Khans past you will find that he was a co-founder of a Muslim organization that recruited jihadists in Malaysia and was associated with a couple by the name of Abedine… Sound familiar. It should… They are the parents of Huma Abedine the senior adviser to Hillary Clinton. They are all card carrying members of the Muslim Brotherhood with ties to the Saudi Royal family who have given millions to the Clinton foundation and her campaign. In other words the Khans are anti-American Islam pushers working to get Muslim loving Hillary elected so the Muslim Brotherhood can continue the Islamification of America that Obama has supported for the last 8 years.
Stop calling it “news”! News is fact. All these networks are broadcasting is propaganda that serves their biased agenda. Straight out$#%&!@*broadcasting!
Let’s see how it affects their ratings during sweeps week. I’m sure alot of Americans have stopped watching the networks propaganda broadcasts. I know I have!
He is part of the globalist scheme.
Is this the guy they call when they want to empty their prisons?
Get this off of FB