Not only is Jade Helm 15 the largest, most controversial and most feared military exercise to ever take place on American soil, it’s all going to happen without any media oversight.
Well, that should do well to quell fears!
It seems that only Texas is doing much to keep an eye on the secretive Special Operations troops that will be maneuvering through private and publicly owned land across the country by deploying their National Guard to monitor what is going to be actually going on.
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The only thing making it the “most controversial and most feared military exercise ever” is a bunch of paranoid imbeciles calling it that. Did it ever dawn on anyone that the military may not want their latest strategies and methods of operation revealed to that same bunch of paranoid imbeciles and… oh… just thinking maybe… THE ENEMY????
Anyone here have a daughter name Malisha?
So once again our malignant, narcissistic, lying, muslim, terrorist, traitors in d.c. violate our Cons$#%&!@*utional rights and our p.c. , complacent populace sits back and does nothing ..
Sure, nothin’ here to see.
it will be covered
Good. They would tell Iran before Obama could.
It must be sad, to live a life so full of fear of everyone who isn’t exactly like you! The gays “agenda” is out to get you, the government is out to get you, the blacks are out to get you, the Muslims are out to get you, women with power are out to get you, yet the ones who really are doing you harm, today’s Republican Party, which is controlled by the wealthy and is doing all it can to intrude into your lives, you vote for and actually help to subjugate you! Sad!
Johnny I’d bet my IQ is probably double your’s on your best day. Opa, I have no fears, unlike you who are afraid most of not fitting in, of not being accepted, even of not being able to honestly accept yourself. Say what you wish but we both know I am right. God loves you gentlemen, and even if you don’t believe in Him, He believes in you. Blessings
this is wrong any way you look at it
And when it’s over, texans can start dreaming up the next conspiracy!