When President Obama began his scheme of importing foreign voters to fill democrat ranks, he also began bans on heath care checks for the incoming migrants.
A refugee has a contagious disease? Too bad if they come to your town. Your federal government will not stop them.
While the President is content to literally poison our republic, the people should begin resisting these attempts by a corrupt political party to upend our nation’s culture for the sake of a few elections.
Such people so not deserve to serve in public office, much less reap the generous rewards elected office so often provides in this era of brutal taxation.
Perhaps the American people will demand a return to policies that don’t sacrifice our health and well being at the alter of political correctness.
It would be a good first step in undoing the eight year reign of error under President Obama.
See the next page for details on how the government covers up their own transgressions.
When is TB coming? This is typical, but the Unicorn fairy worshipers continue to deny reality
Surprises every where
Immigrants entering Ellis Island in the past had to pass health checks…they were quarantined if ill.
This prevented infectious diseases from being spread throughout the population. Now our officials are IMPORTING diseases without regard for the Legimate CITIZENS of America.
time to burn the mosque, you know to kill the germs!!!
Quarantine all muslins to their mosque for 10 years. That ought to take care of it and stop it from spreading…lol
just sniff there/s more than measles in the air.
just like smallpox to the native Americans
Thanks Obama, you muslim POS.
this is why they jneed to take out all mosque and make them leave they are people who dose not care to proct there kids form getting sick and giveing it to our kids so i say blowup the mosque in ever stqate and never let another one bulit and make the people leave america
Just great!