Donald Trump has been a boon for big business. Before he even took office, his victory sent shockwaves through Wall Street, sparking one of the most spectacular market climbs in history. Despite this, companies — or at least their PR divisions — continue to attack Donald Trump in public and on Twitter.
It’s for this reason that few were surprised when McDonalds launched an anti-Trump tirade on their Twitter page. After all, this wasn’t the first time the company thumbed their nose at Trump’s “America First” policies. Just last year, the company made news by replacing American workers with H1-B immigrant workers.
This time, McDonalds claims they aren’t responsible for the development. According to the company, they weren’t making a political statement — they were hacked. But they didn’t say by who.
Read the company’s now-deleted Tweet on the next page:
If McDonald’s wants to continue business they may need to keep their political opinion to themselves and just sell their products !!!
Wtf are you smoking?
Found out there would be a further loss of business so they changed their tune.
MCDonald’s WAS NOT HACKED. It was deliberately done by Democratic CEO Robert Gibbs, from the Obama administration. He hates our President Trump. McDonald’s board of directors and stockholders won’t be liking this latest move…making customers choose their president over a Big Mac. You lose! Fire the CEOs, namely Democratic Robert Gibbs, from the Obama admin. as McDonalds will soon be on the verge of bankruptcy. Business Rule #1–No business, giant loss of customers–when McDonalds offend customers, very likely they won’t return, #2–Giant loss of income-those with money go elsewhere, #3–no money to pay salaries, rent and supplies. Business should have learned by now that Americans vote with their money. Let’s look at it this way…61 million Americans voted for and support President Trump. That should tell you where your marketing target is. No more “happy meals” there.
Hacked, eh? Okay, drive through a school zone at 90mph just as the kids are leaving for the day. After the cops run you in just tell the judge that you are innocent because the cop’s radar must have been hacked by the Russians or the Alt-Right. Done. Gavel. Innocent. Walk away a free man. Yup, everything has been hacked.
Mcdonals sucks they have gone so far down hill in product and service
Can’t take it back Mc Donalds. It has already been seen everywhere!
If I need to hack up a piece of McKangaroo or a piece of McQuarter Horse .. I will go to that fine, Scottish restaurant, McDonald’s.
The Russians did it !! No it was the Clinton foundation ! No the extraterrestrials did it ! Yea right ! This only comes out now , because their sales for the days following dropped by almost %40 ! Cowards ! Own up to it ! Apologize for it ! We will see about your sales at least coming back partly !