Have you joined the kale movement? McDonald’s has in order to be part of the in crowd, as well as draw a crowd of health food “nuts” into their processed food paradise. The trouble is, their new kale salad is less healthy than their “two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions – on a sesame seed bun” burger, aka the Big Mac.
The “Keep Calm, Caesar On” salad, featured in McDonald’s Canada, sounds fairly delicious as long as your goal is not watching your girlish figure while eating it. Made with crispy chicken, “real parmesan petals” and a lettuce blend with baby kale, rich in nutrients, but also exceedingly high in fat, hitting 53 grams, a sodium over load, at 1,400 milligrams, and 730 calories, when you add the Asiago Caesar dressing, this is not on any recommended weight loss program.
The flack, from so may regarding McDonald’s menu of burgers and fries, has spurred the company into making healthy food choices available to those who want them. Yet most head to McDonald’s because of the Big Mac and hot, greasy fries and not because they want to find a super-food at a fast-food chain.
A side by side comparison of the nutritional content of the kale laced salad versus the Big Mac can be found on the next page.
McDonald’s will shorten your life dramatically!
Regina Pitt Miller
Stay away from the c**p.
The endless war aginst macky Ds is over the top
I hate mcdonalds stopped eating there yrs ago when I got sick
Check the ingredients of anything you plan to eat and go from there..you can fine good or acceptable food anywhere even at McDonalds..if in doubt skip that meal and have a glass of water or a coffee….
I haven’t eaten at a McBarfles in over 25 years
You can’t blame McDonald’s for this. They are in the business of selling food just like any other restaurant. You are not paying them to be your nutritionist. Take responsibility for what you eat yourself.
Never ate at McDump and never will…
If you’re trying to be healthy by eating McDonald’s you must be retarded.