Mitch McConnell (R-KY) had some interesting things to say when asked about Donald Trump’s suggested Muslim Immigration ban on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. When asked about the Republican frontrunner’s plan to temporarily stop Muslim immigration into the United States, should he be elected, McConnell said that the Senate would never act on it.
During his response, he brought up some interesting things, saying that it would also prevent certain foreign leaders from being able to come to the United States. Among those leaders, he named the president of Afghanistan and the King of Jordan, both people that Trump probably wouldn’t want here anyway.
You can watch McConnell’s comments in the player on the next page.
McMonnell is an Obama puppet that needs to be run out of the country
Exactly why this panty waist needs to go back to Kentucky and live like the rest of us for awhile. He is one of the main reasons the GOP is losing support.
Cause there all fuq Ing paid by Muslim we the people have been all betrayed by our own not only the president but the legislature.
Civil war anyone. The purge looks pretty nice right about now.
Ten Reasons for Supporting Trump
1. Donald Trump is immune to special interest lobbying because he has accepted no donations or special interest money. No other candidate can make this claim.
2. Donald Trump knows how to negotiate. No one builds an international business empire the size of Mr. Trump’s without being able to win at the negotiating table.
3. Donald Trump is an executive. The President of the United States is the Chief Executive Officer of our nation. We don’t need a policy expert or a legislator – we need someone who knows how to run an organization. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who has a proven record as a successful executive on a large scale.
4. Donald Trump is honest. Mr. Trump is a man who tells the truth. He may not always say it in the most polished way, but our country has had enough suave liars. It is time for some straight forward honesty.
5. Donald Trump is decisive. We hear about his having business interests that filed for bankruptcy. In each case, he looked at the situation as it was, and then he cut his losses. We need someone who will look at government programs realistically and if they are failures; will end the wasteful Washington spending.
6. Donald Trump is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.
7. Donald Trump listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.
8. Donald Trump understands that a nation without borders, language and laws is not a nation.
9. Donald Trump has actually read the Bill of Rights, and is willing to defend its provisions. He is not afraid to speak about Christian persecution, and protecting gun rights.
10. Donald Trump loves this country – and says so. He wants to make America great again
Since what Trump is requesting is already a law that is being ignored. McConnell is voicing treason against the US.
well mcconnell, you and your fellow cowards there in DC let obama get away with all his presidential orders, you can give president trump the same coward attitudes.
Mitch McConnell and this is why the Republicans will probably lose their Senate majority in 2016. We The People elected a majority in the Senate and increased the majority in the House to stop a lawless administration and they have failed miserably.
Based on numbers the Republicans should be in control of Congress, but it looks like the Democrats are still in charge.
What Trump said was we should temporarily stop refugee resettlement until a reliable vetting process is in place.
Personally I think all immigration processes should stop, to include refugee resettlement, until we have dealt with illegal aliens.
Mitch McConnell “The first consideration in immigration is the welfare of the receiving nation. In a new government based upon principles unfamiliar to the rest of the world and resting upon the sentiments of the people themselves, the influx of a large number of new immigrants unaccustomed to the government of a free society could be detrimental to that society. Immigration, therefore, must be approached carefully and cautiously.” –Thomas Jefferson