Barack Obama has been a disaster for this nation, instituting things like Obamacare which is destroying the financial well being of the middle class as well as tearing down the medical system that provided the best health care system the world has ever seen.
He has also decimated the American worker by inviting millions of illegal aliens to stay and get jobs in the U.S. while our native workforce is stuck on the economic sidelines. And he has doubled our national debt to 18 trillion dollars, a sum that will bankrupt our grandchildren and will be impossible to pay off. He is a president that has a checklist of reasons for which he should have been impeached, though it now appears that will never happen.
But it is unfair to lay the blame entirely on Obama, because the honorable opposition, the Republican party, the group that should have been opposing him and reminding him of his constitutional limits and tightening the purse strings to hold him in check, is, in fact, also responsible for the dire straits this nation is in.
The Establishment wing of the Republican party is also at fault, none more so that Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, a terrible leader who says “yes sir” to whatever Obama says, except when elections come around, at which time McConnell tells the Republican base they must support the old guard Republicans so that they can fight Obama. But the party never delivers, and it seems McConnell’s main objective is to keep his job and to head fake Republican voters, who fall for it every time.
McConnell is at it again, and it is not surprising that his objective is to give Obama even more power than he already has now.
New power for Obama, page 2:
No way Charley brown. Obama is looking for a way to declare martial law and use our army to take away our guns. The second amendment is the only reason we have not come to a shooting war here . We are being set up for that to happen by Obama. Thanks democrats.
What is McConnell going Crazy
Funny how Obama is creating a division of “”Us”” and “”Them”” between Law enforcement and the Privet Citizen.
I seriously doubt there will be another election because our Republican was so intent & focus on Candidates ….that they brushed off calling for a No Confidence vote & getting Obama impeached….now it’s too late !
I am truly sorry to hear of this but something is going on. Kids are being removed from homes at an alarming rate. I live in Nebraska. The legislature is having a hard time getting data from the courts saying it’s privacy protection.. which I understand but how can they know if the laws they are passing are working or not if they cannot get the data? This is one of this issues 90% want to ignore just because the nature of the crime. Kidnapped children.
Again I am sorry for what you are going thru. I hope you find the strength and fortitude to get grandchild from there and carry out the word of what is happening.
I know someone who works these cases here and this very topic of the sheer numbers is astounding. Yes there are kids that need to be removed but the criteria and assesment msny seems to be very very vague.
Obama says there is no war on US soil
Telling you this for five years…it has been an obvious threat …but there is nobody to tell, we are betrayed, there is no LAW except against us.
dumb ahole mcconnell at it again it looks like civil war is imminent and I hope someone is keeping tabs on the btards for when it hits the fan including mcconnell and those in power
funny thing is obama will try to declare martial law to prevent the next elected president from taking office