Barack Obama has been a disaster for this nation, instituting things like Obamacare which is destroying the financial well being of the middle class as well as tearing down the medical system that provided the best health care system the world has ever seen.
He has also decimated the American worker by inviting millions of illegal aliens to stay and get jobs in the U.S. while our native workforce is stuck on the economic sidelines. And he has doubled our national debt to 18 trillion dollars, a sum that will bankrupt our grandchildren and will be impossible to pay off. He is a president that has a checklist of reasons for which he should have been impeached, though it now appears that will never happen.
But it is unfair to lay the blame entirely on Obama, because the honorable opposition, the Republican party, the group that should have been opposing him and reminding him of his constitutional limits and tightening the purse strings to hold him in check, is, in fact, also responsible for the dire straits this nation is in.
The Establishment wing of the Republican party is also at fault, none more so that Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, a terrible leader who says “yes sir” to whatever Obama says, except when elections come around, at which time McConnell tells the Republican base they must support the old guard Republicans so that they can fight Obama. But the party never delivers, and it seems McConnell’s main objective is to keep his job and to head fake Republican voters, who fall for it every time.
McConnell is at it again, and it is not surprising that his objective is to give Obama even more power than he already has now.
New power for Obama, page 2:
What a bunch of idiots.
#AMERICANMADETRUMP# #GO TRUMP# Thanks 1-800 Trump: Press 1 to get rid of Obama Press 2 to get rid of Clinton and Obama Press 3 to get rid of Congress Press 4 to get rid of the all.
Why do Ky republicans enjoy sucking Mitch McConnell$#%&!@*!!!! You fucking dumbasses will probably vote him in again!!!!
Giving Obama ANY additional powers is a crime in itself.
I’m sorry I know I’m off topic but Please read and share.. I’m a grandmother that’s angry and heart broken at what child protective services and the foster home did to my grandson Malakai Deese the main stream media will NOT pick up my published story. http://medicalkidnap.com/2015/11/08/north-carolina-child-medically-kidnapped-starving-to-death-in-foster-care/
Child Protective Services are very corrupted the foster parents have abused my grandson and yet they get a one way ticket free to abuse, if a parent had done this the child would have been taken out of the home but my grandson has been abused. Child protective services uses title IV funding to kidnap children from INNOCENT FAMILIES , CPS is a adoption mill. Truly abused children left in the home and those are the children that you see on TV that are terribly abused and or murdered because they are considered damaged goods and not adoptable CPS leave those children in the home and DOSE NOT CARE. The media needs to STOP hiding the TRUTH about what’s truly going on in America.
I dont think We will..
Marxism and Socialism great !!!!
Its time to remove Obama Now !!!!!
I sure as hell hope
I have been saying this for years that is why they are.buding Fema camps to imprison uncooperative citizens