With the Islamic State (ISIS) growing in power and influence across the globe, scores of former military and intelligence officials have been coming out of the woodwork to criticize the Obama administration’s handling of the so-called jayvee team of terrorist organizations.
Many of these military and intelligence officials have made it clear that even at the time that Obama flippantly referred to ISIS as the jayvee team, this is not what they were telling the president. This has led many Americans to question President Obama’s motives in downplaying the terrorist threat. Theories range from the belief that the president has somehow deluded himself into believing that ISIS honestly has nothing to do with Islam to the theory that he himself is some sort of Manchurian Candidate or “jihadist in chief.”
On Monday, the lead prosecutor against the 1993 World Trade Center bombers claimed that by altering the record of Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen’s 911 call, the administration is “becoming Sharia-adherent.”
And even more alarming, McCarthy has come forward to reveal what top military officials have also declared: that our government has been infiltrated by Islamic supremacists.
To read more about Andrew McCarthy’s dire warning, continue reading on the next page:
Obama it them there.
Obama’s Armey killing soon near you Islam.
The entire government has been infested with these rodents.
No kidding….
Obama the traitor in office has his radical muslim brotherhood in places of leadership now. He is planning his world war now. If you think he is trying to protect this country you are more of the problem he has created and you are not an American Citizen. This idiot traitor in office is going to destroy the USA. To bad and so sad that our congress is standing by and watching this happen and doing nothing, They are one of the main reasons this traitor has been able to complete his agenda.
Oh shut the hell up .
There are unsavories in this country trying to destroy it change it fundamentally for their narrow-minded thinking either stand as we the people and run them from your country or you take it
JAPAN: The Supreme Court finally dismissed the case after two appeals on 31 May.
The presiding judges only focused on the actual leaking of police files which had begun circulating on the Internet. When it comes to profiling and conducting surveillance of the country’s Muslims and Islamic institutions, however, the court upheld the government’s policy as a “necessary and inevitable” safeguard against Islamic terrorism.
No kidding.
Time to eradicate the White House, it’s long overdue for a new 21st Century structure.