Cantankerous Arizona Senator John McCain hasn’t mellowed at all after his diagnosis of brain cancer following removal of a tumor.
The 81-year old has been a persistent thorn in the side of President Donald Trump, even since the president was still a candidate working for the Republican nomination. McCain has steadfastly tried to distinguish the GOP as a party with separate values from those of Trump.
McCain keeps up his steady drumbeat of anti-Trump rhetoric, knowing the mainstream media will provide him with a megaphone any time he seeks one.
On Thursday, the self-styled maverick provided an op-ed to the Washington Post that continued to stake out his position vis-à-vis the president.
On the next page, learn the defiant language McCain used to belittle President Trump and put greater distance between himself and the president. Naturally, the media darling got the attention he so avidly craves.
Why don’t you just go home, stop taking you medicine and die!
You bastards think you do not have to answer to anyone not even the ones that elected you in your case you should have been in prison years ago your kind is what is wrong with our Country
Another part of the swamp; globalist
We haven’t forgotten McCane played a part in the dossier too. He’s guilty too.
McCain should shut his$#%&!@*up.he is nothing but a traitor to hos country .he will always be a coward in my book
We haven’t forgotten McCain played a part in the f**e FBI dossier too. He’s just as guilty and needs investigated too.
That’s right, you sure don’t have to answer to the President, but you DO have to answer to the American citizens you p.o.s..
John McCain one$#%&!@*that needs to be flushed