It’s not exactly clear what precisely was used for anesthesia during John McCain’s surgery, but based on his age, it could have been whiskey…copious amounts of Maker’s Mark. However, just assuming that he has a better healthcare package than we do as lowly serfs who make mud patties in the fields, it’s possible he was administered something a bit more…21st century?
Whatever it happened to have been, it has done something to radically alter the personality of “The Maverick,” because this Republican has moved off the reservation and into the Jackass Party commune, smoking immeasurable quantities of unnamable plants, imbibing unfiltered Swamp water, and writing manifestoes that make the Unabomber look like John Forbes Nash.
Over the past few days since McCain’s return to Congress to cheers from his peers, he has managed to marginalize the American people (including his constituents) to the point where they no longer matter, nor does he care to answer their questioning stares of confusion. This is his final term and he has made it crystal clear that he intends to finally outright defy his supporters and the Republican Party voters by leaning as Left as he possibly can.
This is most likely an attempt at currying the favor of the Fake News Industrial Complex (FNIC) in order to secure a cherry position at MSNBC or CNN post-Congress, with an emphasis on ensuring that his daughter is set up in a very alluring way to possibly run for his vacancy. (Psst: Never gonna happen!)
What is damnably clear is that John McCain is no longer a RINO. He has graduated to outright traitor by virtue of his hostile and belligerent posture toward the White House in deep-sixing the healthcare reform. This thumb in the eye of Trump and his administration was in full view of the rest of America who were shown his true colors. But there’s more!
Now, the odd (and some would say, insane) behavior that he’s exhibiting has seeped over into his delusions of self-importance. He has unleashed his inner Jimmy Carter and decided that it is 2008 and he defeated Barack Hussein Obama. This bad sci-fi movie playing out in McCain’s head has catapulted him into the Oval Office and he now believes HE is the Commander-In-Chief!
Turn to the following page to read his comments on what he’s going to be doing next in an effort to call the shots of our military abroad!
Rhino pussyhat wearers cant fix anything.they are good for Sellouts.Dry up your lying$#%&!@*
He’s a democrat
McCain is a devout communist and traitor.
Not soon enough!
he could lead a pen full of pigs
Don’t think so
From another post:
For all those who believe John McCain is a hero, or even a patriot: “Songbird” McCain is no hero! Trump was right!
John McCain is a career parasite. He is not a hero. He was shot down in Vietnam because he violated orders and was hotdogging at low altitude over Hanoi and the North Vietnamese shot him down.
His mangled shoulders that he claims came from torture by his North Vietnamese captors? Not so much. According to those who spent time at the Hanoi Hilton will attest, McCain was never tortured during his time in North Vietnam. In fact he was given special privileges and special treatment because he freely gave the North Vietnamese all the information they asked for whenever they asked for it, which is why the commander and staff at the Hanoi Hilton called him “Songbird.” He also made 30 propaganda broadcasts for the North Vietnamese. Hero, I don’t think so!
In reality, Songbird McCain injured both of his shoulders because he violated Navy SOP when he ejected from his dying aircraft, breaking both shoulders in the process.
From a Powdered Wig article a year ago, citing Veterans Today, there was a list of “33 POWs (who) faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs. McCain was on the list of the 33, in fact at the head of it.”
That’s the kind of hero Songbird McCain was then and that’s the kind of hero Songbird McCain is today.”
Prior to being a “songbird”…
“John McCain, fighter pilot aboard the USS Forrestal carrier, was inadvertently but recklessly responsible for the devastating fire aboard that ship in 1967. According to witnesses, McCain was waiting to taxi into the launch and was in front of another fighter jet. During this time, he pulled a sophomoric trick called a “wet start” which is to blow flame through the exhaust. This trick set off a missile on the plane behind him, igniting an explosion and fire. McCain then abandoned his plane in panic, and in the process dropped two of his own unexploded bombs on the deck. These bombs were caught in the ensuing blaze and exploded, igniting an inferno that eventually killed 134 crewmen. McCain, was immediately sequestered and kept from an enraged and vigilante crew who knew what he’d done. Calls were made to his father, a Navy admiral. Shortly after the fire was extinguished McCain was secretly hustled to an arriving helicopter and removed from the plane. No charges were brought against him, and the official story of the fire did not identify him or his actions as the cause of the catastrophe.
McCain, who finished 394th out of a class of 399 at the Naval Academy, but who was the wealthy son of an active admiral, had been ushered into flight school despite his poor and disqualifying academic credentials. Much like his academic record, he was a poor student pilot and was not considered a “top gun” by his peers, though he learned to fly. In his brief career as a lackluster pilot before being downed and captured, he had destroyed airplanes on 4 previous events and was considered by his peers to be incompetent.
It’s the brain tumor!
What has he touched that he hasn’t screwed up? This man is looney toons.