McCain: Obama Was a Better World Leader Than Trump

In an interview with the Guardian, Senator John McCain (Maverick-AZ) was asked a question that was obviously forwarded to the Guardian reporter before the interview regarding Donald Trump.  Email Message:  “Uh, yeah, Sabrina and Lauren, please remember to include a question about how I view the president’s current foreign policy.  I’ve got a doozy of an answer!”

John McCain has miraculously traversed the sands of time from a RINO Maverick who was unafraid of angering his base to a Democrat-Lite Never Trumper who has his daughter on a long leash in order to attack from the Fox News side while he attacks from his secure seat inside the Beltway.

During his tiny moment in the limelight (oh, how McCain treasures those!) the senator made sure to bash his favorite punching bag, Donald Trump.  Well, it was more like a b*tch-slap than an actual punch (reserving those for his daughter to mete out as the mood strikes her).

Senator John McCain, a prominent Republican voice on foreign policy, was visibly irked when asked by the Guardian what message Trump had sent to the United Kingdom, one of America’s most enduring allies.

“What do you think the message is? The message is that America doesn’t want to lead,” McCain said, while adding of the rest of the world: “They are not sure of American leadership, whether it be in Siberia or whether it be in Antarctica.”

Asked if America’s standing on the global stage was better under Barack Obama, McCain, a fervent critic of the previous administration’s foreign policy, responded: “As far as American leadership is concerned, yes.”

Which brings us back to the whole idea that McCain gave himself a very stern stand-down order when he was running against Barack Obama, because it’s pretty obvious now that he considers Obama a superior individual to himself in both spirit and leadership. I assume he feels that if he couldn’t beat Obama, that should another Republican actually gain the White House, he was going to be loyal to his better.

McCain, however, is not alone. The Guardian girls, Sabrina and Lauren, make sure to point out how unpopular Trump is even amongst his own party. They cite both Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ) who, on a good day, are both adequately pissed-off and unimpressed with President Trump.

For his part, Corker is angered about several issues. As Rocky Top Politics puts it:

Corker has long fought to keep Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in receivership and was happy to have their profits stolen from the taxpayers and used to prop up Obama’s lousy health care operation.  By doing so, Corker and his Democrat colleague, Sen. Mark Warner, could promote so-called “GSE reform” that would allow big banks such as Wells Fargo to take over the nation’s mortgage markets and reap billions in profits.

But after a private dinner with the President a couple of weeks ago, Corker emerged surly and peevish.  The day after his one-on-one with the President, Corker went out and made a snide remark about the North Korea briefing Trump held for the Senate.  Many in DC believe Corker was in a snit because at that dinner, Trump likely told Corker he was going to stop the Obama administration’s ripping off Fannie May and Freddie Mac profits to illegally pay for things like Obamacare.  That would be a big problem for Corker’s GSE legislation and Wells Fargo’s dream of a huge payout.

It got worse:  Corker was demonstrably pissed off over his public run-in with FHFA director Mel Watt last week in which the director confirmed the administration’s plans to end the GSE rip-off.  Corker asked Watt a couple of snotty questions, then stormed out of the hearing when his attempted baiting of Watt failed.

For Jeff Flake, it’s no less corrosive. In a Vanity Fair Hive interview where the Leftists had a flower-child-style love-in fest with the Republican senator because of his Never Trumper stance, he expressed his views of the possibility of a Trump presidency in July of last year:

What’s your worst fear for a Trump presidency?

Well, I just don’t think he can get there. I don’t think that there’s much worry of a Trump presidency if he doesn’t change. I want a Republican in the White House, but he can’t get there, in my view, saying the things that he’s saying. And we wouldn’t want him to get there if he continues to say the things that he’s saying. So I hope that he changes, I do. It’s not impossible for people to change their views and change their tone. But some of these views have to change. I mean, he’s got to turn some 13.5 million votes to 65 million votes, and you can’t get there just with Republicans—even if every Republican got behind him and had a unified conference. In Arizona, there are more registered independents than there are registered Republicans. And that describes a number of states now. You have to broaden your appeal, and I’m afraid that he’s not.

And in an effort to remain completely unbiased, the Guardian girls made sure to include a Democrat in the mix. Here’s Ben Rhodes, former Obama Deputy National Security Advisor:

Ben Rhodes, former deputy national security adviser to Obama, said it was hard to overstate the impact of Trump’s unpopularity on the strategic decision-making of US allies.

“He’s making it impossible for these countries to be seen to be following his agenda,” Rhodes said, pointing to possible complications on basic principles such as Nato defense spending and wider crises such as counterterrorism or infectious diseases.

“The United States is clearly no longer recognizable to our traditional allies as a global leader,” Rhodes said.

“Traditionally, when you talk about summits such as Nato or the G7, the United States drives the entire agenda,” he added.

“Now, not only are we not doing that, but we’re at odds with key pillars of western foreign policy.”

Clearly, the Guardian girls didn’t talk to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about traditional allies and their opinions on Trump, because it is pretty apparent that they were speaking about every nation in the world EXCEPT FOR ISRAEL. It couldn’t possibly be that Poland, or Austria, or Holland, or Britain, or Italy happen to agree that we do have a PRETTY GOOD idea of where we’re headed globally, but of course we won’t know for sure because the Guardian girls only spoke to three senators and an Obama appointee who all hate Trump. That’s balance for you!

Then, there’s this gem by the Guardian girls:

Unclear to many observers is who, if anyone, is truly driving the US foreign policy agenda under the new administration.

“Many observers…” Hmmm…yes. I’m sure those many observers were the same four haters just mentioned above. At any rate, once again, we’ve reached the end of a whole lot of fun where we see the Truth for what it is and expose the frauds and the liars.

Welcome to D.C., I guess.

Source: The Guardian / Rocky Top Politics / Vanity Fair Hive





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