John McCain added onto his reputation not being quite sane today when he suggested that the US should arm Syrian rebels, aka Islamic radicals, with weapons to shoot down Russian planes now bombing anti-Assad forces.
I don’t suppose these rebels would also shoot down commercial airlines would they?
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McCain is so scary. NOT!
This IDIOT needs to be RETIRED.
This man is out of his cotton pickin mind . The reason why he says this is .He, Mr. Graham , and Mr. Obama helped create ISIS.
A good way to start a war. He is such a lunatic.
Real smart. Start a war with Russia to protect muslims and isis- obama’s wet dream.
Time to retire old man, your dementia is showing. We don’t want anymore wars you idiot.
Ahaha wait wait wait, so you have the people for Assad, then you have ISIS & now there are Syrian Rebels??? Hmm, funny, those same so-called rebels killed Gaddafi which the US government armed themselves… Smh, if Russia is stopping a worldwide threat, why are they being opposed??
Oama says all vetterans are mentally ill, McCCain that applies to you for sure, far more than any other vets I know
Yeal, he is crazy.
They wouldn’t be there if you’d been working on a plan to deal with ISIS. McCain,it’s time you were gone. All of you are past your usefulness.
Does he have a plate in his head?