The battle to maintain, or in some cases, reestablish the integrity of our elections continues. This a fight that should have all who support our form of government on the same side of the issue. That does not appear to be the case.
This is not a minor issue. People rarely get enthused about participating in activities that they believe are farces. To do so is to admit you don’t mind being played for a fool. If our elections lack integrity, the results will lack validity, even if the numbers tallied are declared to be official.
We have a number of states in which these ideas are not held in particularly high regard. Apparently, there is either something to be hidden or some other agenda at work that motivates political leaders in those states to thwart investigations into the integrity of the vote in their states. Wonder what the problem is?
More on this on page two.
We need to get this fixed before the next election or every nut job illegal will vote democrat!!!
Must have something to hide!
I know for a fact that illegals are being allowed to vote. Take for instance the driver’s license disgrace. All that is needed is picture I. D
On a drvs licns. plus the bragging about having voted is held as something to be proud of. Does the regular American care?? NOOO
McAuliffe is CORRUPT to the core! Democrats in power only know how to lie, cheat, steal and spread hate/violence on their way to getting what they want. Progressives/Socialists/Communists ALL think the same, just at different levels of insanity!
He’s a crook
All I can say is when the big picture starts exploding they are all going down like dominoes. More and more is coming to light every day and their stories are getting flimsier and flimsier. Trump is not fooling around and he keeps smiling through it all. I am just sitting here waiting for the big burst. .
This liberal corrupt evil bastard should be in prison for life!!
A friend of Killery is friend of corruption
He is not any better than the rest of American give him jail time.