Outgoing Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) can’t quite seem to make up his mind about President Donald John Trump. This out-of-his-mind kooky liberal and Clinton family friend got caught on hot mic recently trying to convince foreign investors in Germany that the U.S. people hated President Trump. Proudly bragging in liberal sing-song fashion that President Trump was an “embarrassment” to the New World Order, like a “crazy uncle in his attic”. The left is going to need to make-up their mind, is President Trump an infirm mentally feeble old man living in “America’s” attic, or is he the dangerous threat to the New World Order they so loathe.
Gov. Terry McAuliffe dropped a zinger on how he would deal with President Trump if he ‘got too close’. Here is a hint – it is not the way one treats ‘an old Grandpa’ or ‘embarrassing uncle’.
Head on over to the next page to watch this stunning interview between Gov. McAuliffe and Chris [“Obama sends a thrill up my leg”] Matthews on what they fantasize about doing to President Trump
Wow tough guy sucker punching a 71 year old man, that’s a democrat for you
Wow is he tough, sucker punching a 71 year old man, what a POS
TRUMP would punk slam your head on the corner of a desk too
LOL POTUS TRUMP Would Kick his A$$ & Mop The Floor with that Liberal pos!!!
McAuliffe, I would deck YOU if I ever came in contact with your ugly, corrupt mug. YOU are responsible for all the mayhem in Charlottesville, including the death of that woman. May$#%&!@*YOU TO AN ETERNITY OF TORMENT!
A wussy—whimp
Another dumb$#%&!@*shooting his mouth off. He must be a swamp dweller and afraid of being drained. I hope Trump drains them all starting with these two.
Set it up. I’m giving 4 to 1 on Trump.
Sure…big mouth
It sounds like a great way to go to jail, big mouth.