St. Louis Mayoral Candidate and #BlackLivesMatter Leader: Street Gangs Should Replace Police (Video)
St. Louis mayoral candidate and Black Lives Matter protest leader Umar Lee wants to replace law enforcement with street gangs to patrol neighborhoods of St. Louis. Seriously. Watch the video on the next page:
Ignorance on parade.
Just another POS.
Let bikers do it. I know plenty who would be ok with that.
they already have
WTF is going on. Sure we will have gangs running the street -people paying protection money and each month the amount will increase-Who thinks of this stupidity
Before he became a joke,as a leading Black Muslim activist, Malcolm X (then known as Malcolm Little) led a life best described as “tough.” Left without a dad at an early age, the adolescent Malcolm made money on the streets of Boston by selling drugs, pimping, robbing wealthy White households, and gambling. He also had a side line in hustling, picking up wealthy gay White men in bars and letting them service him for a fee.
Now, it’s not unheard of for poor straight men to make a quick buck as rent a boys. But Malcolm X’s involvement seems to have been a little different. Firstly, he liked to boast loudly to whomever would listen that he “was serviced by White queers.” Then there’s the matter of his sustained sexual relationship with a White businessman, not to mention his frequent dalliances with the transvestite Willie Mae. In all, Malcolm X is thought to have spent a decade of his life sleeping almost exclusively with White men; usually for money but not always. As Peter Tatchell pointed out in The Guardian, it’s unlikely he could have sustained the practice that long without at least some level of interest.
And interest seems to have always been there in Malcolm’s life. Although there’s no suggestion he slept with men after marrying his wife, old school friends have repeatedly remarked that he used to let local boys$#%&!@*him; boasting that he would reward them with oral sex. Recently, the respected African-American historian Manning Marble repeated the assertion in his hugely scholarly biography of Malcolm X; a book of such incredible erudition that it’s almost impossible to argue with. To sum up then, there seem to be no two ways about this. Malcolm X was almost certainly LGBT. And you know what? That’s something the Black LGBT community could have been be proud of….and that’s why Elijah Muhammad had him killed
Hell no
They already have “street gangs”, you know the one’s selling drugs, creating havoc, committing robberies, killing each other, etc., etc. etc. – you get the idea…how’s THAT scenario working out??? – Vietnam Combat Vetran 7/66-11/71
oh yea that will work out well do you think you need guns now America.
That is the most stupid comment I have ever heard