Mayoral Candidate and Black Lives Matter Leader: Street Gangs Should Replace Police

The super brilliant Umar Lee announced this week that he is running for mayor of St. Louis. Even the stupidest person can see through this.

In October 2014, radical Islamist Umar Lee promised Islamic jihad against the Ferguson police department.

Muslim Umar Lee was arrested in Ferguson Missouri in September.

Umar Lee once threatened to behead his critics and watch them squeal “like Daniel Pearl.”

Source: Gateway Pundit

In August after several months of protesting and disrupting the peace in the St. Louis area Umar Lee was fired from his job after another public disturbance in the county.

Adam Sharp interviewed Umar Lee this week after his announcement. That video follows.

Umar wants to replace local police with street gangs to patrol St. Louis neighborhoods.  Not a new idea. Anthony Burgess crafted a book in England that took the same concept. It was called “A Clockwork Orange.” It proved so radical that to this day that it and the movie based on the book, are banned in England.

Umar believes all conservatives should support his campaign –  Funny, he is everything the Progressive want and the Conservatives despise.

Umar has his priorities “Bass Ackward” as it is said.



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