When it comes to the migrant situation, Western European countries have had a difficult time learning their lesson. Look at what’s happened in places like Germany, Sweden, and Norway. Crime has risen, sexual assault has never been higher, many of the citizens actually fear for their lives, and in the case of Norway, the authorities have completely lost control. While some countries, like Russia are handling the migrant crisis with the full force of an iron hammer, others are rolling out the welcome mat for their own downfall.
Rome, for example, is on the verge of civil war. As the number of migrants increases, so does the unrest between natural born citizens and the politicians who have basically ruined their standard of living. And by standard, it’s not very high, seeing how it’s the poor who are complaining. Because of the cost of housing, Italian citizens who are barely getting by are now having to share apartment buildings with migrants that the city’s mayor is just welcoming in in startling numbers. And according to Mayor Virginia Raggi, she’s not planning on stopping that anytime soon.
Find out what she had to say about on the next page.
Ughh aren’t the Sicilian mafia and the mainland mafia in agreement that they are going to have a friendly game of who can kill the most immigrants?
The poor especially are not the ones who bring it on themselves. It is the government leaders who are part of the NWO. If you don’t think so, remember that George Bush put up a good front while in office but now favors NWO and globalization. This is serious, government help the problem along so a solution (if there is one) falls into the laps of the common man to solve.
When y’all Gona kill that scum and kick um outs your home
Of course it’ll be the poor, you didn’t think refugees are anywhere near the wealthy and elite did you
1638 Venice
My vote is for Italy to kick the c**p out of them
Open hunting season on all MUSLISMS in you country.
Itily can start and the rest of the world can follow
Doesn’t Italy have a law where they can shoot anyone screaming Allah akbar in public?
Just like cockroaches, once you let one in your house, war is imminent.