In a country where so many people are being strong armed out of positions of power because of what they believe in, it’s nice to see a political figure who refuses to back down. And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. The mayor of a northern city in Wisconsin is refusing to back down after members of city council called for his resignation for comments he posted on Facebook. The alleged posts referred to President Obama as a Muslim who has “destroyed the fabric of democracy”.
Superior Mayor Bruce Hagen took his stance, calling the issue a matter of free speech, posting the comment on his personal computer on his own time. It’s funny how liberal activists and politicians are allowed to speak their minds, but when somebody who disagrees with them does the same thing, the pitch forks and torches come out. Hagen believes that if the people of the community feel offended at his comments, they would vote him out of office. Well there’s a concept right there . . . actually letting people speak for themselves. That’s something liberals know very little about.
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Oscuma is a traitor to AMERICA. .
Fact is fact. Google, Obama admits he is a Muslim, video.
Wow. Really? I mean please think people really ? Even if it’s true and he is a Muslim our constitution for the last 200 years says that a ok. Yet relax, he’s just black which is also ok. Oh and he’s Christian. What would Jesus do?
He’s right why would he do that,how about those denomic libtards resign including oblamer he’s risking liberal lives,because the real american people have had enough
I agree with the good Mayor! Obama sold guns to ISIS, gave money to Iran, Let ISIS take control of Libya, Let the Muslim Brotherhood take control of Egypt and funds terrorist in Syria! Sounds like he not only supports terrorist but is one of them! Let also see Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate proven a forgery by two forensic investigators! Knew Hillary had an unauthorized and unsecured server in her home! Knew Benghazi attack was not because of a video! Smuggled guns to drug cartels in Mexico during fast & furious scandal resulting in border agent being murdered with one of said guns! Used the IRS to interfere and stonewall and investigate with no proof conservative organizations during 2008 Presidental campaign! Obama forged Hawaiian birth certificate is proof alone that he is not legally the President!
Hey, Mayor!!! What is Wisconsin going to do about its traitor, Paul Ryan??? How about a recall?
Freedom of speech (he was just telling the truth)
They want him to resign for telling the truth which doesnt really surprise me considering the fact that telling the truth isnt something that liberals make a habit of. A liberal can stand right in front of u and make a comment and then in the next breath deny it if u question them about it.
The truth hurts some people,but the truth will always be the truth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!