When London elected its first Muslim mayor, liberals rejoiced at such a show of tolerance and progressive thinking. What might be in doubt, however, is just how tolerant this mayor really is. It to put it somewhat bluntly, is this Muslim man capable of leading one of the West’s most important cities? And in what direction is he leading it?
By asking that question, we do not mean to call Mr. Khan’s leadership skills into question. They may be outstanding. What is in doubt is whether he is properly committed to the values and principles the British people have established over the millennia, beliefs that are at variance with some of the teachings of Islam.
We recall that it was in 2016 that Prime Minister David Cameron suggested that Mr. Kahn has ties to Islamic terrorist groups such as ISIS. If the prime minister raised this issue, perhaps we should as well.
More on page two.
London will always have a Muslim Mayor from now on because the population of London is 40% Muslim and growing. The UK was conquered without firing a shot. Churchill is rolling over in his grave at the stupidity of the British people. rmn
.*stop islamic sharia law stop islamic brotherhood organization from control our government and our school and our university and stop any islamic teaching in our land *(islam is a politic law agenda )** Islam its not a religion islam its a law of evil on earth *** Notice * * * * we should put the prophet of islam mohammed and his**** evil book ***(Quran) *** on list of crime of the all time **we should put him on trial of the slavery * killing * hate * genocide * child’s molested * stone a womens * more and more * *** mohammed was a dictator and fascists he formed a state of Empire to Concord the world so he formed the islamic law or sharia law **so islam its not just a religion islam its a law * * sharia law. * * that why all mouslam wherever they go they would like to have them islamic law to forced all people to be convert to Islam and judge under islamic law *** law of evil **so we have to put this evil prophet of islam (mohammed) and his religion and his islamic law on ***. Trial ** we need some good lawyers to take this case to court to all over the world to * * United Nation too ** please some one some where should do this in name of human race please. Thanks. Please share to Reach everybody and all good lawyers. Buy the way under islamic law women have no right at all so why women not marching against Islamic law (sharia law) !!! ???Notice I am not Against Islamic as human beings I am against Islamic idealogec.Please everyone should check out this link all what you need to know about the islamic religion and islamic sharia law. Please share to everyone. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx. Please check out the link all about the islamic religion and islamic sharia law. Please share to everyone.
Tom” The british people are screwed. The Muslims know how to get weapons but the britains don’t have a clue on how to get one. rmn.
NOT secretly!
THeres no secret about it.
Do bears$#%&!@*in the woods ?
of course he would
Secretly ?
IF you halve to ask that question you are realy stupid OFCORSE HE IS