Over the last decade, leaders throughout the European Union have made clear that their agenda is to bring in as many migrants from the Middle East and Africa as possible.
Some leaders have claimed that the less white people in Europe the better. Many refer to this concept as white genocide, and it sounds like a conspiracy theory.
But when a German politician openly proclaims that stamping out white genes in Europe is “desirable,” it is hard to dismiss this as a tin foil hat scheme.
Recently, London became the first major city in Western Europe to elect a Muslim Mayor. While many Londoners do not take issue with Sadiq Khan’s Islamic faith, they do have reservations regarding his ties to Islamist extremists.
Now, Khan is joining in on the bandwagon of de-whitening of Europe, as he claims that the Transport for London board simply has far too many white folks.
To read how Khan plans to expunge white people from the government agency, continue reading on the next page:
Deport him
Surely the people see this
I have a feeling the English will give him what he needs in the coming years. I bet he will not stay in London.
This is so simple; he is a Muslim using the infiltration tactics of Islam in his Jihad. He is dedicated to converting London into an Islamic stronghold as much as possible. The only surprise is that people elected a Muslim to destroy their English culture and identity under the Liberal guise of diversity….the most dangerous instrument pushed by liberals to destroy any culture or nationalistic identity!
What’s happening here in the US, South Africa now in Europe someone tell me how I should take this. Looks to me War has been declared on White People world wide.
Way to go London, the chickens made the Fox king
F Kahn criminal
Where do these people come from….
And just think – they voted for this moron.
Ass !