The issue of sanctuary cities continues to heat up, this time in New York City. It’s a strange law-enforcement problem because you basically have local governments pitted against federal law and federal law enforcement personnel. This is a battle – and one side or the other is going to win.
Illegals are told they can come to a city where they will be sheltered from arrest and deportation by federal immigration authorities. Aiding and abetting illegal immigrants is a clear violation of the law, no if ands, or buts. It’s quite amazing that mayors and governors simply claim the right to commit a felony.
More on page two.
I hope the people who elected him are proud of this asshole
He really has no clue.
good ones
lying bag of s**t
Stop the federal funding, stop the benefits for the illegals in the sanctuary cities and arrest/prosecute the mayors/government officials and employers that don’t follow the law, we will see if the tune changes.
No way!
This nitwit is a disgrace to the office he holds—where is another Rudy??????
What an$#%&!@* What has he been drinking and/or smoking?