The issue of sanctuary cities continues to heat up, this time in New York City. It’s a strange law-enforcement problem because you basically have local governments pitted against federal law and federal law enforcement personnel. This is a battle – and one side or the other is going to win.
Illegals are told they can come to a city where they will be sheltered from arrest and deportation by federal immigration authorities. Aiding and abetting illegal immigrants is a clear violation of the law, no if ands, or buts. It’s quite amazing that mayors and governors simply claim the right to commit a felony.
More on page two.
How many do you have living with you, jerk?~~~!!!
What an idiot . Surround New York and get rid of all muslims. New Yorkers couldn’t be that brain dead
Dumbass…Your out next election
Pass the koolaid, motherfucker
Sure Blasio! – And I guess, I’m Chinese ballerina from Shanghai. What communist alternate universe are you from again?
Really not illegals they have murdered law abiding citizens you scumbag
Hope they will eventually show their destruction and fear moving around NYC!
Yes legal ones. Now p**s off.