While the Obama Administration and members of the left continue to use the recent attack in San Bernardino to push gun control in the United States, what many American gun-owners don’t realize is that their worst fears have already been realized.
When the media reports things like the suspected terrorists who attempted to purchase guns from 2004 to 2014, and they throw some statistics at you, saying that ninety-one percent of the time they succeeded, many breathe a sigh of relief and want to congratulate law enforcement on keeping an eye on these things. However, the question that most fail to ask is where they get these statistics.
One of the biggest fears by gun owners is one of being placed on a database with their names and personal information in hands of the federal government. When the National Instant Criminal Background Check System or NICS was first instituted, the law prohibited the collection of data about legal gun owners and the implantation of any registry. It looks like that’s another law the federal government feels they can ignore.
Read more about this on the next page.
Remember when Democrats borrowed the unconstitutional failed policies that were housed under the United Nations U.N. Agenda 21, that enabled them to lax lending practices for minorities and poor folks who never intended to pay the banks back? I do.
And now the very Country We Fought And Died For may be history and Odumass and his liberals are the ones that did it to us
Enron had absolutely nothing to do with Bush. Enron secured substanial loans using phony holdings and assets. Bush was a poor man in oil tycoon Texas speak. He was not Jed Clampet.
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when you come a looking ,,,,be ready ,,and have your will up to date…MF…
dude he give it a break ! he already went over that ages ago beside you will get your way soon. you can save your rhetoric the elite will throw the election before they let him win.. he knows to many of their dirty secrets and as president he could cause them great harm they are terrified !!!!
The employees of the government , the president, the cabinet, congress, fbi, etc. are not exempt from the Law. They should all be in jail and tried for treason!
guess I am have fed permit
how much stuff do you have at your house from foriegn countries you bone head, I am all American but I own 2 toyota vehicles. So what
You gotta get all the brainless and illegals to stop voting democrats, its the democrats that arm criminals but prevent legal law abiding people to legaly arm themselves