While the Obama Administration and members of the left continue to use the recent attack in San Bernardino to push gun control in the United States, what many American gun-owners don’t realize is that their worst fears have already been realized.
When the media reports things like the suspected terrorists who attempted to purchase guns from 2004 to 2014, and they throw some statistics at you, saying that ninety-one percent of the time they succeeded, many breathe a sigh of relief and want to congratulate law enforcement on keeping an eye on these things. However, the question that most fail to ask is where they get these statistics.
One of the biggest fears by gun owners is one of being placed on a database with their names and personal information in hands of the federal government. When the National Instant Criminal Background Check System or NICS was first instituted, the law prohibited the collection of data about legal gun owners and the implantation of any registry. It looks like that’s another law the federal government feels they can ignore.
Read more about this on the next page.
I don’t know when Ovomit will learn, we ARE NOT GIVING UP our guns
Sick of all this BS going on? Forget about the problems and concentrate on the solutions. A free world is waiting. The technology is here now, we only have to create the free world. Out with the old and in with the new. Its time for change. Join this group to be part of the change>https://www.facebook.com/groups/265603456982790/ .. It only takes one share from the right page and this movement starts.
Stay in Pakistan dont worry about the US yall got enough of your own problems.
this is what barak hussein obamas true agenda while his boys isis imigrants is already in your land ( geez what happened to homeland security?)…trump is right you know!
How would any one know if your on the no fly zone list cause I assume you would not get a notice on the mail stating such!!!
We be fighting and hiring an attorney fight this B.S
its just a matter of time america is already under seige they already have a muslim president who wanted to establish a global caliphate in the name of islam under shaira law
They won’t be on any list.
Don’t ever give up to terror or others thinking
I read on the this article its best to buy weapons at the guns shows I didn’t know there were loops holes I keep it In mind now!!!!
My brother is felon he did get an a k47 thru the gun shows paid a little bit more.
america your so naive & feel so secured when in truth is you are already under seige having a muslim president who wanted to establish a global caliphate under shaira law … do what russia did putin has a guts to champion humanity against this evil that plague humanity ISIS